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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Use of E-Mail And Internet Surveys By Research Companies
Year 2000
Access date 11.05.2004
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Use of web-based and email surveys for quantitative studies by Marketing Research firms was examined in order to determine perceived advantages and disadvantages within the industry as well as trends and usage rates. Emailed responses by US marketing research firms illustrated years in business, employees, primary services, and yearly gross revenues. Data on email and web-based Internet surveys by firms was evaluated and it was determined that companies will increasingly leverage information technology for survey purposes. Those corporations with larger gross revenues, higher employee numbers, and more years in business had a greater tendency to utilize web and email methodologies. An analysis of the survey data illustrated a brighter future for web-based methods than for e-mail based.

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Year of publication2000
Bibliographic typeJournal article
Conferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations