Web Survey Bibliography
Background: Web and mail surveys as complements to telephone surveys may help resolve concerns about declining participation in telephone surveys for public health surveillance. Little is known, however, about how responses obtained in Web surveys compare with those from mail or telephone surveys.
Methods: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2003 core interview was conducted in 3 survey modes: Web (n = 1143), mail (n = 836), and telephone (n = 2072). All 3 samples were drawn randomly. We compared respondent demographics and responses to 8 key questions on health conditions and risk behaviors (including asthma, diabetes, obesity, and HIV testing) across the 3 survey modes.
Results: Demographic characteristics of mail and Web respondents varied considerably from those interviewed by telephone. The unadjusted prevalence of outcomes varied by survey mode. After adjustment for respondent demographic characteristics, there were still differences among survey modes in several of the health conditions and risk behaviors, although for some of these, the pattern was different for the unadjusted and adjusted results.
Conclusions: As health surveys take advantage of new technologies and moved towards mixed-mode designs, researchers need to test for and, if necessary, account for the effect of mode in the estimates they produce.
Web survey bibliography - Link, M. W. (16)
- Mobile Technologies for Conducting, Augmenting and Potentially Replacing Surveys: Report of the AAPOR...; 2014; Link, M. W., Murphy, J., Schober, M. F., Buskirk, T. D., Childs, J. H., Tesfaye, C.
- Measuring Compliance in Mobile Longitudinal Repeated-Measures Design Study; 2013; Link, M. W.
- The Gamification of Marketing Research; 2013; Donato, P., Link, M. W.
- Comparing Tablet, Computer, and Smartphone Survey Administrations; 2013; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Effective e-incentive for Online Study: Comparing Branded e-Gift Card and Virtual Cash Card; 2013; Jin, T., Duan, S., Lai, J. W., Link, M. W.
- Smartphone Apps and User Engagement: Collecting Data in the Digital Era; 2012; Link, M. W.
- Oh, Just One More Thing … Leveraging “Leave-Behinds” in Data Collection; 2012; Link, M. W.
- A Direct Comparison of Mobile Versus Online Survey Modes; 2012; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Comments on the Articles (3) - Three Key Takeaways from the Zero Bank Debate; 2009; W.Link, M. W.
- Summaries of Address-Based Sampling Presentations at the AAPOR Annual Meeting; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Yancey, L. T., Thu Burks, A., Bourquin, C.Link, M. W.
- Addressing the Cell Phone-Only Problem: Cell Phone Sampling Versus Address Based Sampling; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Bourquin, C., Yancey, L. T.Link, M. W.
- Transitioning from Self-Reports to Self-Installed Electronic Audience Measurement; 2008; Trussell, N., Vanno, L., Matthess, E., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- An Evaluation of Respondent Selection Methods for Household Mail Surveys; 2008; Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R., Osborn, L., Mokdad, A., Link, M. W.
- Effects of Cell Phones in Land-Line Households; 2006; Lambries, D., Oldendick, R. W., Link, M. W.
- Can Web and Mail Survey Modes Improve Participation in an RDD-based National Health Surveillance?; 2006; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.
- Alternative Modes for Health Surveillance Surveys: An Experiment with Web, Mail, and Telephone; 2005; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.