Web Survey Bibliography
Most university courses are evaluated summatively. Students are required to assess the course retrospectively at the end of term by means of their memory. A better and more reliable method would be to implement a formative approach where the evaluation takes place after each teaching unit. By using traditional paper-pencil questionnaires, however, this would be very burdensome (e.g. time-consuming, labour-intensive and costly). Information and communication technologies such as the Web (e.g. online surveys, Instant Messaging, Facebook) and mobile phones (SMS) therefore hold great potential as innovative tools in reducing this burden (Bexelius et al., 2008). SMS messages have already been commonly and successfully used in television to receive viewer feedback (for an example see Miller, 2005). Moreover, almost all students own a mobile phone which they use constantly in all walks of life. SMS messages can be sent by them under most circumstances (e.g. during waiting times, on public transport, or in unequipped lecture rooms) and are available almost everywhere within a few seconds (Tretiakov & Kinshuk, 2005). In our study we investigated if a formative course evaluation via a Web 2.0 application offering different communication channels (e.g. SMS) can be applied successfully.
Homepage (presentation)
Web survey bibliography - Mobile Research Conference 2009 (MRC 2009) (14)
- Automating Market Research in the Field on all actual sold mobile devices; 2009; Düll, K.
- How mobile phones changed the non-response in cross-national telephone surveys; 2009; De Keulenaer, F.
- Using Web 2.0 application Twitter for formative course evaluation: a case study; 2009; Burger, C., Stieger, S.
- "Mobile phone surveys in mixed mode environment: Balancing costs and errors"; 2009; Vehovar, V.
- "The potential of mobile research: Implications for the future, and the role of industry standards"; 2009; Nelson, Li.
- "Mobile technology in research: Trends and perspectives"; 2009; Macer, T.
- Mobile Research success factors: Mode-specific measurement options, usability issues, communications...; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., de Groote, Z., Wilke, A., Metzger, G.
- The Multi-Modal Future of Mobile Research: A Holistic Viewpoint; 2009; Cameron, M. R.
- Doing surveys where it matters - the GPS-age and privacy. How the MR industry can do surveys where the...; 2009; Tjostheim, I., Fritsch, L.
- Mobility, Flexibility and Identity - How the use of mobile questionnaires improves the data quality...; 2009; Hellwig, O., Wirth, T.
- Evaluating two different mobile survey approaches: personal mobile panel research and ad-hoc mobile...; 2009; Friedrich-Freksa, M., Metzger, G.
- Anytime, Anywhere Mobile Interviewing: Comparing Mobile Voice and Web Response Patterns; 2009; Petit, F. C.
- Using mobile phones to measure TV-broadcast quality; 2009; Wieland, J. L., Puggaard, B.
- Using mobile research to get to the heart of branding and marketing effectiveness right now; 2009; Day, D.