Web Survey Bibliography
In 2007 the percentage of mobile-only households in Portugal reached 36%; this is one of the highest levels in EU27 countries according to the EU E-Communications Households Survey. To assess the extent and nature of the potential bias in fixed phone surveys created by the absence of mobile-only households, a dual frame survey was conducted in which both fixed phones and mobile phones were used to collect data. There are significant differences between fixed phone respondents and mobile-only respondents in several demographic variables; however, we find that merging the fixed phone and the mobile-only sample produces general population estimates on substantive variables that are not significantly different from those obtained with the fixed phone sample alone.
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Web survey bibliography - Vicente, P. (11)
- Do Initial Respondents Differ From Callback Respondents? Lessons From a Mobile CATI Survey; 2016; Vicente, P.; Marques, C.
- When Should I Call You? An Analysis of Differences in Demographics and Responses According to Respondents...; 2016; Vicente, P.; Lopes, I.
- The best times to call in a mobile phone survey; 2015; Vicente, P.
- The use of paradata to investigate non-response ; 2013; Vicente, P.
- Coverage error in internet surveys Can fixed phones fix it?; 2012; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- The “frequency divide”: implications for internet-based surveys; 2012; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- The “Frequency Divide” on Web Surveys: Opinions, Behaviours and Demographics Differences...; 2011; Reis, E., Vicente, P.
- E-Census 2011 Portugal: implementation and results of the Pilot Survey; 2011; Vicente, P., Rosa, A., Reis, E.
- Using Questionnaire Design to Fight Nonresponse Bias in Web Surveys; 2010; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- Using mobile phones for survey research A comparison with fixed phones ; 2009; Vicente, P., Reis, E., Santos, R.
- The Mobile-only Population in Portugal and Its Impact in a Dual Frame Telephone Survey; 2009; Vicente, P., Reis, E.