Web Survey Bibliography
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Address based sampling (ABS), the use of a comprehensive database of addresses for sampling of residential households, is garnering considerable attention by survey researchers as a potential alternative to random digit dialing (RDD) surveys. For nearly 30 years, the Nielsen TV Ratings Diary Survey was one of the world’s largest RDD surveys (in recent years screening more than 5 million telephone numbers annually). In November 2008, the TV Ratings Diary moved from a landline telephone frame to an ABS frame, becoming the first major survey research effort to make this important transition. The new TV Ratings design uses ABS with a multi mode data collection approach, which includes Web, mail, and telephone recruitment tools. We assess the success of this transition by comparing the March 2009 ABS measurement to the February 2008 RDD design. The lessons learned from this pioneering effort will further the understanding the industry has for the potential uses of this new approach. Some of the key findings included:
- Allows researchers to reach cell phone only households
- Significant step in improving representation of younger homes
- Improves coverage but not necessarily response rate in all cases
Key sample indicators on ABS file are more accurate than corresponding indicators on landline frame — with addition of geocoded information can be a powerful tool for addressing racial/ethnic imbalances
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Web survey bibliography - Link, M. W. (16)
- Mobile Technologies for Conducting, Augmenting and Potentially Replacing Surveys: Report of the AAPOR...; 2014; Link, M. W., Murphy, J., Schober, M. F., Buskirk, T. D., Childs, J. H., Tesfaye, C.
- Measuring Compliance in Mobile Longitudinal Repeated-Measures Design Study; 2013; Link, M. W.
- The Gamification of Marketing Research; 2013; Donato, P., Link, M. W.
- Comparing Tablet, Computer, and Smartphone Survey Administrations; 2013; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Effective e-incentive for Online Study: Comparing Branded e-Gift Card and Virtual Cash Card; 2013; Jin, T., Duan, S., Lai, J. W., Link, M. W.
- Smartphone Apps and User Engagement: Collecting Data in the Digital Era; 2012; Link, M. W.
- Oh, Just One More Thing … Leveraging “Leave-Behinds” in Data Collection; 2012; Link, M. W.
- A Direct Comparison of Mobile Versus Online Survey Modes; 2012; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Comments on the Articles (3) - Three Key Takeaways from the Zero Bank Debate; 2009; W.Link, M. W.
- Summaries of Address-Based Sampling Presentations at the AAPOR Annual Meeting; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Yancey, L. T., Thu Burks, A., Bourquin, C.Link, M. W.
- Addressing the Cell Phone-Only Problem: Cell Phone Sampling Versus Address Based Sampling; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Bourquin, C., Yancey, L. T.Link, M. W.
- Transitioning from Self-Reports to Self-Installed Electronic Audience Measurement; 2008; Trussell, N., Vanno, L., Matthess, E., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- An Evaluation of Respondent Selection Methods for Household Mail Surveys; 2008; Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R., Osborn, L., Mokdad, A., Link, M. W.
- Effects of Cell Phones in Land-Line Households; 2006; Lambries, D., Oldendick, R. W., Link, M. W.
- Can Web and Mail Survey Modes Improve Participation in an RDD-based National Health Surveillance?; 2006; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.
- Alternative Modes for Health Surveillance Surveys: An Experiment with Web, Mail, and Telephone; 2005; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.