Web Survey Bibliography
In this paper we explore how individual personality characteristics influence online social networking behavior. We use data from an online survey with 1560 respondents from a major Swiss technical university and their corresponding online profiles and friendship networks on a popular Social Network Site (SNS). Apart from sociodemographic variables and questions about SNS usage, we collected survey data on personality traits with a short question inventory of the Five Factor Personality Model (BFI-15). We show how these psychological network antecedents influence participation, adoption time, nodal degree and ego-network growth over a period of 4 months on the networking platform. Statistical analysis with overdispersed degree distribution models identifies extraversion as a major driving force in the tie formation process. We find a counter-intuitive positive effect for neuroticism, a negative influence for conscientiousness and no effects for openness and agreeableness.
Conference homepage (abstract)
Web survey bibliography - General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2009 (54)
- Conducting Mobile Surveys: A Hands-on Introduction to an Innovative Research Mode; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., Melcher, T.
- Empirical Evaluation of Web Survey Software Tools: Powerful or Friendly?; 2009; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K., Horvat, T., Debevc, M.
- Qualitative Research via Internet: Asynchronous Online Discussions and the Use of WebCT; 2009; Giatsi Clausen, M., Nicol, M., Gill, J.
- Representativeness of Mobile Internet Surveys - A comparative study of CAMI vs. CATI ; 2009; Maier, U., Neubarth, W., Grosser, A., Hombach, A.
- The use of online data-collection in financial services market measurement research : the FRS experience...; 2009; Cooke, M., Watkins, N.
- Using flash type questions – stroke of luck or curse for data quality?; 2009; Laufer, S., Klapproth, U., Noll, S.
- Pause Mechanism in Complex Online Surveys; 2009; Milewski, J.
- Response Formats in Cross-cultural Comparisons in Web-based Surveys; 2009; Thomas, R. K.l, Terhanian, G., Funke, F.
- Generic or Project-Specific Mail? – The Influence of Invitations on Response Behaviour in the...; 2009; Schroll, S.
- Relevance Of Health-Related Online-Information In Offline- And Online-Samples; 2009; Stetina, B. U., McElheney, J., Lehenbauer, M., Hinterberger, E., Pintzinger, N., Kryspin-Exner, I.
- Data Collection online: Can do, must (not) do, Should do; 2009; Diesner, J., Gadeib, A., Lüttschwager, F., Sassinot-Uny, L.
- Three Different Designs of Type Ranking‐Questions; 2009; Sackl, A.
- Usability of Mobile Surveys; 2009; Tarkus, A.
- Gay and Lesbian People: The Use of Online Communication Services; 2009; Lehenbauer, M., Stetina, B. U., Kryspin-Exner, I.
- An Online Study on Coping with Anxiety and Disease-Specific Internet Use in Panic Attack Sufferers; 2009; König, D., Hiebler, C., Kryspin-Exner, I.
- Distortion of demographics through technically induced dropout in restricted online surveys; 2009; Voracek, M., Stieger, S., Goeritz, A.
- An Internet-based Study on Coping with Illness and Attitudes towards Online Health Care in Cancer Patients...; 2009; Setz, J., König, D., Kryspin-Exner, I.
- WebEXEC: A Short Self-Report Measure of Executive Function Suitable for Administration via the Internet...; 2009; Buchanan, T., Heffernan, T. M., Parrott, A. C., Ling, J., Rodgers, J., Scholey, A. B.
- Let's go formative: Continuous student ratings with Web 2.0 application Twitter; 2009; Burger, C., Stieger, S.
- Don't know and no opinion responses in Web surveys; 2009; Mechling, J., Baker, R. P., Couper, M. P.
- Mixed Methods in Online Research; Conceptualisation and Future Research Agenda; 2009; Koller, M., Sinitsa, E.
- Market Research Online and Offline - Differences in output and processing of Qualitative Online and...; 2009; Knorr, H., Krischke-Ramaswamy, M.
- Informal Learning in Virtual Communities. Individual Practice between Information Retrieval, Observation...; 2009; Kahnwald, N.
- Self-Efficacy Of Online Health Seekers; 2009; Stetina, B. U., Schramel, C., Lehenbauer, M., Schawill, W., Kryspin-Exner, I.
- Volumetric Forecast based on Online Access Panels; 2009; Rodenhausen, T., Drewes, F.
- How representative are sentiments expressed in social media for the marketing target audience? A comparison...; 2009; Jarchow, C., Thomas, J.
- SNB - Social Network Barometer; 2009; Drosdow, M., Geißler, H.
- Payments via Paypal as an Incentive in Online Panels; 2009; Goeritz, A., Wolff, H.-G., Goldstein, D. G.
- Advertising Effects of Online Video Ads; 2009; Wolf, M., Schönfeldt, J.
- Online election forecasts; 2009; Faas, T., Geißler, H.
- Propensity Score Adjustment for Web Survey of Voting Behavior: A Case in Japan; 2009; Kobayashi, T.
- Why Do I Use the Social Web?” Exploring the Motives of Active and Passive Users via Focus Groups...; 2009; Jers, C., Taddicken, M., Schenk, M.
- Diffusion of Mobile Services Adoption in Taiwan; 2009; Doong, H.-S., Wang, H.-C.
- Verbal Vs Visual Response Options: Reconciling Meanings Conveyed by a Computer Aided Visual Rating Scale...; 2009; Garland, P., Cape, P.
- Increasing response rates in list based samples; 2009; Keusch, F., Kurz, H., Penzkofer, P.
- Resolving the Privacy Paradox? - How Privacy Concerns, Strategic Self-presentation, and Norms Influence...; 2009; Utz, S.
- AGOF internet facts – increasing the response rate for onsite-surveys; 2009; Foerstel, H.
- Implementation of a reaction time tool for brand measurement at Swisscom; 2009; Paar, I., Urbahn, J.
- It’s all about customer satisfaction - Advantages and limitations of online surveys in applied...; 2009; Einhorn, M., Klein-Reesink, T., Löffler, M.
- Potential Of The Mobile Internet - What You Ask Is What You Get; 2009; Neubarth, W., Maier, U., Geißlitz, A.
- Measuring Network Quality: Strengths and Weaknesses of different Evaluation Methods (SMS, w@p and web...; 2009; Wallisch, A., Schwab, H.
- Challenges in Recruiting Special Groups in Internet Panel Research; 2009; Marchand, M., Vis, C.
- Panel Conditioning in Web Surveys: A Comparison between Trained and Fresh Respondents; 2009; Toepoel, V., Das, M., van Soest, A.
- Using Tag Clouds to Analyse and Visualise Results of Open Ended Questions; 2009; Melles, T., Jaron, R.
- Measuring Perceived Virtual Social Support in Online Self-Help Groups; 2009; Preiß, H.
- Personalization as Strategy to Increase Response Rates; 2009; Althoff, S.
- Understanding the willingness to participate in mobile surveys: Exploring the role of hedonic, affective...; 2009; Bosnjak, M., Metzger, G.
- Integrating Mobile Surveys into digital market research: Recommendations for Mobile Panel operation...; 2009; Friedrich-Freksa, M., de Groote, Z., Metzger, G.
- Measurement options, measurement error, and usability in mobile surveys; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., Bosnjak, M., Metzger, G.
- Visual Heuristics and Answer Formats in Rating Scales; 2009; Toepoel, V. Dillman, D. A.