Web Survey Bibliography
Title Comments on the Articles (3) - Three Key Takeaways from the Zero Bank Debate
Author W.Link, M. W.
Source Survey Practice, january, 2009
Year 2009
Access date 23.09.2009
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Considering the important and timely work by Fahimi et al. and Boyle et al. on the issue of residential numbers in zero listed telephone banks, there are, I believe, three key take-a-ways from this exchange.
Article: Zero Banks: Coverage Error in List Assisted RDD Samples
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Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeJournal article
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Web survey bibliography - Link, M. W. (16)
- Mobile Technologies for Conducting, Augmenting and Potentially Replacing Surveys: Report of the AAPOR...; 2014; Link, M. W., Murphy, J., Schober, M. F., Buskirk, T. D., Childs, J. H., Tesfaye, C.
- Measuring Compliance in Mobile Longitudinal Repeated-Measures Design Study; 2013; Link, M. W.
- The Gamification of Marketing Research; 2013; Donato, P., Link, M. W.
- Comparing Tablet, Computer, and Smartphone Survey Administrations; 2013; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Effective e-incentive for Online Study: Comparing Branded e-Gift Card and Virtual Cash Card; 2013; Jin, T., Duan, S., Lai, J. W., Link, M. W.
- Smartphone Apps and User Engagement: Collecting Data in the Digital Era; 2012; Link, M. W.
- Oh, Just One More Thing … Leveraging “Leave-Behinds” in Data Collection; 2012; Link, M. W.
- A Direct Comparison of Mobile Versus Online Survey Modes; 2012; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Comments on the Articles (3) - Three Key Takeaways from the Zero Bank Debate; 2009; W.Link, M. W.
- Summaries of Address-Based Sampling Presentations at the AAPOR Annual Meeting; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Yancey, L. T., Thu Burks, A., Bourquin, C.Link, M. W.
- Addressing the Cell Phone-Only Problem: Cell Phone Sampling Versus Address Based Sampling; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Bourquin, C., Yancey, L. T.Link, M. W.
- Transitioning from Self-Reports to Self-Installed Electronic Audience Measurement; 2008; Trussell, N., Vanno, L., Matthess, E., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- An Evaluation of Respondent Selection Methods for Household Mail Surveys; 2008; Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R., Osborn, L., Mokdad, A., Link, M. W.
- Effects of Cell Phones in Land-Line Households; 2006; Lambries, D., Oldendick, R. W., Link, M. W.
- Can Web and Mail Survey Modes Improve Participation in an RDD-based National Health Surveillance?; 2006; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.
- Alternative Modes for Health Surveillance Surveys: An Experiment with Web, Mail, and Telephone; 2005; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.