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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Response Order and Response Distributions: The Format of the Response Options in a Web Survey
Year 2009
Access date 01.10.2009

Response order effects are common in surveys and, in web surveys, they generally take the form of primacy effects (that is, options are more popular when they come first or near the beginning of the list of options than when they come last or near the end).

Evidence from eye-tracking studies suggests that respondents give increasingly less attention to the options that come later in the list, sometimes failing to read the final options at all. We attempted to counteract this tendency for respondents to ignore or gloss over the options at the end of the list by making those options distinctive in various ways. We report the results of a web experiment that looked at several methods for attracting the respondent’s attention to the final option. We examine the effects of these methods for both select-one items and check-all-thatapply items.

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Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Full text availabilityAvailable on request