Web Survey Bibliography
Title Generation (of) RDD Improving call efficiency of mobile RDD samples
Author Husztik, P.
Source The 1st Alec Gallup Future of Survey Research Forum: The 1st Alec Gallup Future of Survey Research Forum: "Incorporating Mobile Phones in Social and Policy-oriented Surveys"
Year 2009
Access date 15.10.2009
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - The 1st Alec Gallup Future of Survey Research Forum: "Incorporating Mobile Phones in Social and Policy-oriented Surveys" (8)
- Growth of Mobile-Only Population in the US and its impact on optimal designs; 2009; Srinivasan, R.
- The 'Functionally Mobile-Only' The true extent of coverage problems with landline only samples; 2009; De Keulenaer, F.
- Preference for Mobile Interview Surveys? Interplay of costs, errors and biases; 2009; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A.
- Mode or Mensch?: Respondent sensitivity to mode changes in data collection methods; 2009; McCutcheon, A. L.
- Generation (of) RDD Improving call efficiency of mobile RDD samples; 2009; Husztik, P.
- Flash Eurobarometer Goes Mobile: A practical review; 2009; Hideg, G.
- Are Respondents Sharing their Mobile Phones? Preliminary results based on a mobile phone panel in Germany...; 2009; Fuchs, M.
- Mobilisation: A general overview; 2009; Manchin, R.