Web Survey Bibliography
Longitudinal surveys face a number of unique methodological challenges in addition to having to deal with all the issues faced by other surveys. This presentation will focus on those aspects of methodology that are unique to longitudinal surveys or that have rather distinct properties in the case of longitudinal surveys. I will outline those aspects and, for each, will present a brief overview of methodological research in the area, focussing particularly on recent and current research and outlining a desirable future research agenda. Topics discussed will include sample design, between-wave intervals, keeping track of sample members and maintaining co-operation, adjusting for panel attrition, panel conditioning, and instrument design to minimise measurement error in measures of change.
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Web survey bibliography - Lynn, P. (35)
- Targeted Appeals for Participation in Letters to Panel Survey Members; 2016; Lynn, P.
- Assessing targeted approach letters: effects in different modes on response rates, response speed and...; 2016; Lynn, P.
- Revisiting “yes/no” versus “check all that apply”: Results from a mixed modes...; 2016; Nicolaas, G.; Campanelli, P.; Hope, S.; Jaeckle, A.; Lynn, P.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 7: Results from Methodological Experiments; 2015; Blom, A. G.; Burton, J.; Booker, C. L.; Cernat, A.; Fairbrother, M.; Jaeckle, A.; Kaminska, O.; Keusch...
- Going Online with a Face-to-Face Household Panel: Effects of a Mixed Mode Design on Item and Unit Non...; 2015; Burton, J.; Jaeckle, A.; Lynn, P.
- The role of email addresses and email contact in encouraging web response in a mixed mode design ; 2014; Cernat, A., Lynn, P.
- Measurement effects between CAPI and Web questionnaires in the UK Household Longitudinal Study; 2014; Lynn, P., Vannieuwenhuyze, J. T. A.
- Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from Recent Research; 2014; Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A., Sturgis, P.
- Tailoring mode of data collection in longitudinal studies; 2013; Kaminska, O., Lynn, P.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 5: results from methodological experiments; 2013; Auspurg, K., Burton, J., Cullinane, C., Delavande, A., Fumagalli, L., Iacovou, M., Jaeckle, A., Kaminska...
- The Role of Mode Preference Questions in Predicting Mode-Specific Response Propensities; 2013; Lynn, P., Kaminska, O.
- Issues of Coverage and Sampling in Web Surveys for the General Population; 2013; Lynn, P.
- Going online with a face-to-face household panel: initial results from an experiment on the Understanding...; 2013; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Burton, J.
- Targeted response inducement strategies on longitudinal surveys; 2013; Lynn, P.
- An Initial Look at Non-Response and Attrition in Understanding Society; 2012; Lynn, P., Burton, J., Kaminska, O., Knies, G., Nandi, A.
- The Propensity of Older Respondents to Participate in a General Purpose Survey; 2012; Lynn, P.
- Mode-Switch Protocols: How a Seemingly Small Design Difference can affect Attrition Rates and Attrition...; 2012; Lynn, P.
- Going online with a face-to-face household panel: Initial results from an experiment on the UK Household...; 2012; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Burton, J.
- ISER working paper 2011-31. Is it a good idea to optimise question format for mode of data collection...; 2011; Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hope, S., Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P.
- Maintaining Cross-Sectional Representativeness in a Longitudinal General Population Survey ; 2011; Lynn, P.
- The Effect of a Mixed Mode Wave on Subsequent Attrition in a Panel Survey: Evidence from the Understanding...; 2011; Lynn, P.
- Is it a good idea to optimise question format for mode of data collection? Results from a mixed modes...; 2011; Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hope, S., Lynn, P., Nandi, A.
- The effects of mixed mode designs on simple and complex analyses; 2011; Martin, P., Lynn, P.
- Making Good Use of Survey Paradata; 2010; Lynn, P., Nicolaas, G.
- Weighting Strategy for Understanding Society; 2010; Lynn, P., Kaminska, O.
- Sample Design for Understanding Society ; 2009; Lynn, P.
- Methodological Research for Longitudinal Surveys; 2009; Lynn, P.
- Mixed Modes and Measurement Error: Comparing face-to-face, telephone and web modes ; 2009; Hope, S., Nicolaas, G., Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Nandi, A., Campanelli, P.
- New Methodologies in Sampling Rare and Elusive Populations; 2009; Pal, S., Thompson, S., Kalton, G., Lynn, P.
- Respondent Incentives in a Multi-Mode Panel Survey: Cumulative Effects on Non-Response and Bias; 2008; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P.
- Methodology in Our Madness; 2007; Lynn, P.
- Using Multiple Modes to Collect Data in Surveys; 2007; Lynn, P.
- Telephone versus Face-to-Face Interviewing: Mode Effects on Data Quality and Likely Causes. Report...; 2006; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Roberts, C.,
- Towards Standardisation of Survey Outcome Categories and Response Rate Calculations; 2003; Lynn, P., Beerten, R., Laiho, J., Martin, J.
- Recommended Standard Final Outcome Categories and Standard Definitions of Response Rate for Social Surveys...; 2001; Lynn, P., Beerten, R., Laiho, J., Martin, J.