Web Survey Bibliography
Title Conducting Mobile Surveys: A Hands-on Introduction to an Innovative Research Mode
Author Pferdekämper, T., Melcher, T.
Year 2009
Access date 08.12.2009
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Pferdekamper, T. (5)
- On-the-go and in-the-moment. Mobile research offers speed, immediacy; 2010; Pferdekamper, T.
- Mobile surveys from a technological perspective; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., Batanic, B.
- Conducting Mobile Surveys: A Hands-on Introduction to an Innovative Research Mode; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., Melcher, T.
- Measurement options, measurement error, and usability in mobile surveys; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., Bosnjak, M., Metzger, G.
- Mobile Research success factors: Mode-specific measurement options, usability issues, communications...; 2009; Pferdekämper, T., de Groote, Z., Wilke, A., Metzger, G.