Web Survey Bibliography
Title Can Post-Stratification Adjustments Correct Telephone Survey Estimates for Coverage Bias Associated with not Sampling Cell Phone-Only Households?
Year 2009
Access date 14.03.2010
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Davern, M. E. (2)
- Can Post-Stratification Adjustments Correct Telephone Survey Estimates for Coverage Bias Associated...; 2009; Call, K. T., Davern, M. E., Boudreaux, M., Johnson, P. J., Nelson, J., Spencer, D.
- Mixing Web and Mail Methods in a Survey of Physicians; 2007; Beebe, T. J., Locke, G. R., Davern, M. E., Anderson, K. J., Barnes, S. A.