Web Survey Bibliography
Title Who Chooses the Web Option?
Author O'Hare, B. C., Gentry, R. J.
Year 2009
Access date 15.03.2010
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Gentry, R. J. (7)
- The Effect Usability Testing has on Data Quality: A Design of an Online Diary; 2015; Gentry, R. J.; Pens, Y.
- The Effect of Differential Mailing Methodologies on Response Rates: Testing Advanced Notices, Pre-Recorded...; 2013; Pens, Y., Cantave, M. A., Gentry, R. J.
- The Effect of Attempting to Recruit Respondents to a Web-Based Diary on Overall Response Rate; 2013; Cantave, M. A. Gentry, R. J.
- Using Qualitative and Quantitative Testing to Improve Hispanic Response Rates for Online Surveys; 2013; Pens, Y., Gentry, R. J.
- Use of a 2nd Reminder Mailing, Quick Response Code and Optimized Mobile Survey to Increase Response...; 2012; Cantave, M. A., Gentry, R. J.
- The Effect on Differential Mailing Methodologies on Response Rates: Testing Advanced Notices, Package...; 2012; Pens, Y., Gentry, R. J.
- Who Chooses the Web Option?; 2009; O'Hare, B. C., Gentry, R. J.