Web Survey Bibliography
In web-based studies, web browsers are used to display online questionnaires. If an online questionnaire relies on non-standard technologies (e.g., Java applets), it is often necessary to install a particular browser plug-in. This can lead to technically induced dropout because some participants lack the technological know-how or the willingness to install the plug-in. In two thematically identical online studies conducted across two time points in two different participant pools (N=1,527 and 805), we analyzed whether using a Java applet produces dropout and distortion of demographics in the final sample. Dropout was significantly higher on the Java applet questionnaire page than on the preceding and subsequent questionnaire pages. Age-specific effects were found only in one sample (i.e., dropouts were older), whereas sex-specific effects were found in both samples (i.e., women dropped out more frequently than men on the Java applet page). These results additionally support the recommendation that using additional technologies (e.g., Java applets) can be dangerous in producing a sample that is biased toward both younger and male respondents.
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Web survey bibliography - Goeritz, A. (24)
- Response Effects of Prenotification, Prepaid Cash, Prepaid Vouchers, and Postpaid Vouchers: An Experimental...; 2015; van Veen, F.; Goeritz, A.; Sattler, S.
- Determinants of the starting rate and the completion rate in online panel studies; 2014; Goeritz, A.
- Online panel research: History, concepts, applications and a look at the future; 2014; Callegaro, M., Baker, R., Bethlehem, J., Goeritz, A., Krosnick, J. A., Lavrakas, P. J.
- The Use of Paradata to Predict Future Cooperation in a Panel Study; 2014; Funke, F., Goeritz, A.
- Incentive effects; 2013; Goeritz, A.
- How Do Lotteries and Study Results Influence Response Behavior in Online Panels?; 2013; Goeritz, A., Luthe, S. C.
- Reminders in Web-Based Data Collection: Increasing Response at the Price of Retention?; 2012; Goeritz, A., Crutzen, R.
- Does social desirability compromise self-reports of physical activity in web-based research?; 2011; Crutzen, R., Goeritz, A.
- Handle with Care: The Impact of Using Java Applets in Web-Based Studies on Dropout and Sample Composition...; 2011; Stieger, S., Goeritz, A., Voracek, M.
- Web panels: Replacement technology for market research; 2010; Goeritz, A.
- Social desirability and self-reported health risk behaviors in web-based research: three longitudinal...; 2010; Crutzen, R., Goeritz, A.
- The Effects of Different Incentives on Data Quantity and Data Quality in Online Panels; 2010; Singh, R. K., Voggeser, B. J., Goeritz, A.
- The longitudinal effect of incentives on participation and data quality in online panels; 2010; Neumann, B. P., Goeritz, A.
- The influence of the field time on data quality in list-based Web surveys; 2009; Goeritz, A., Stieger, S.
- Using online panels to conduct Web-based research: What works and what doesn’t; 2009; Goeritz, A.
- Distortion of demographics through technically induced dropout in restricted online surveys; 2009; Voracek, M., Stieger, S., Goeritz, A.
- Payments via Paypal as an Incentive in Online Panels; 2009; Goeritz, A., Wolff, H.-G., Goldstein, D. G.
- Using the World-Wide Web to obtain large-scale word norms: 190,212 ratings on a set of 2,654 German...; 2009; Lahl, O., Goeritz, A., Pietrowsky, R., Rosenberg, J.
- Individual payments as a longer-term incentive in online panels ; 2008; Goeritz, A., Wolff, H.-G., Goldstein, D. G.
- The effects of incentives in internet panels: a review; 2008; Goeritz, A.
- Cash Lotteries as Incentives in Online Panels; 2006; Goeritz, A.
- Meta-Analyses on Contingent versus Unconditional Incentives; 2005; Goeritz, A.
- Recruitment for online access panels; 2004; Goeritz, A.
- The impact of material incentives on response quantity, response quality, sample composition, survey...; 2004; Goeritz, A.