Web Survey Bibliography
It is a well-known finding that sensitive survey questions such as the income question show an increased item nonresponse compared to other questions. Less is known about how and whether such questions affect the decision process of respondents to participate in follow-up surveys. The analysis of a previous survey of the general population in Germany where respondents were asked to take part in a follow-up survey shows that 47% of those who answer the income question are willing to participate in a follow-up survey. In contrast, this figure plunges to only 22% for those who decline to provide income information (total n=818). There are different possible explanations for this finding. Firstly those respondents with a lower extent of trust might have a higher probability for item nonresponse and likewise a higher probability to reject the follow-up survey participation. Secondly, asking the sensitive question itself could influence the later decision (especially for those people who are not totally convinced). The current study uses an experimental design to disentangle these two possible processes and explanations. The random split experiment was conducted during a telephone survey which included a request for participation in online follow-up surveys. Half of the respondents received a question about their net household income, while the other half was not asked any income information. At the end of the interview all respondents were asked whether they are willing to join an online panel. The study tests the causal relationship of sensitive questions and subsequent survey participation. We also discuss the connection between item nonresponse on sensitive questions and the decision to participate in subsequent surveys. Finally, we give recommendations concerning the tradeoff of asking such questions in the first interview compared to later follow-up surveys.
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Web survey bibliography - Kaczmirek, L. (43)
- Online Survey Software; 2017; Kaczmirek, L.
- Du kommst hier nicht rein: Türsteherfragen identifizieren nachlässige Teilnehmer in Online-Umfragen; 2016; Merkle, B.; Kaczmirek, L.; Hellwig, O.
- Mode System Effects in an Online Panel Study: Comparing a Probability-based Online Panel with two Face...; 2015; Struminskaya, B.; De Leeuw, E. D.; Kaczmirek, L.
- Item nonresponse in open-ended questions: Identification and reduction in web surveys; 2015; Kaczmirek, L.; Behr, D.
- The Effectiveness of Mailed Invitations for Web Surveys and the Representativeness of Mixed-Mode versus...; 2014; Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L.
- Assessing representativeness of a probability-based online panel in Germany; 2014; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W.
- Incentives on demand in a probability-based online panel: redemption and the choice between pay-out...; 2014; Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L.
- Does left still feel right? The optimal position of answer boxes in Web surveys - revisited; 2013; Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L.,Galesic, M.
- The Effectiveness of Mailed Invitations for Web Surveys; 2013; Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L.
- GESIS Online Panel Pilot: Results from a Probability-Based Online Access Panel; 2013; Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Weyandt, K.
- Effects of incentive reduction after a series of higher incentive waves in a probability-based online...; 2013; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W.
- Sample composition discrepancies in different stages of a probability-based online panel; 2013; Bosnjak, M., Haas, I., Galesic, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P.
- Testing the Validity of Gender Ideology Items by Implementing Probing Questions ; 2013; Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- A Framework for the Collection of Universal Client Side Paradata (UCSP); 2012; Kaczmirek, L.
- Challenges of assessing the quality of a prerecruited probability-based panel of internet users in...; 2012; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L.
- Assessing Cross-National Equivalence of Measures of Xenophobia: Evidence from Probing in Web Surveys; 2012; Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L.
- Little experience with technology as a cause of nonresponse in online surveys; 2012; Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- Establishing Cross-National Equivalence of Measures of Xenophobia: Evidence from Probing in Web Surveys...; 2011; Braun, M., Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L.
- Online Research @ GESIS; 2011; Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Seeing Through the Eyes of the Respondent: An Eye-tracking Study on Survey Question Comprehension; 2011; Lenzner, A., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M.
- Asking sensitive questions in a recruitment interview for an online panel: the income question; 2011; Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- Cognitive process in answering questions: Are verbal labels in rating scales attended to?; 2011; Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Asking Sensitive Questions: Do They Affect Participation In Follow-Up Surveys?; 2011; Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- Which Technologies Do Respondents Use in Online Surveys – An International Comparison?; 2011; Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D., Bandilla, W.
- Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies; 2011; Das, M., Ester, P., Kaczmirek, L.
- Optimizing response rates in online surveys; 2010; Kaczmirek, L.
- Developing a Research Framework for Usability in Online Surveys: Human-Survey Interaction; 2010; Kaczmirek, L.
- Security and Data Protection: Collection, Storage, Feedback in Internet Research; 2010; Thiele, O., Kaczmirek, L.
- Is this e-mail relevant? An eyetracking experiment on how potential respondents read e-mail invitations...; 2009; Kaczmirek, L., Faaß, T., Galesic, M.
- Respondent-Oriented Interaction Design Reduces Item Nonresponse in Internet Surveys; 2009; Kaczmirek, L.
- Panel Discussion: Does Mixed Mode Help Us Increase Response Rates?; 2009; Kaczmirek, L.
- A literature review on constructing answer formats; 2009; Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, J.
- Coverage- und Nonresponse-Effekte bei Online-Bevölkerungsumfragen ; 2009; Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Blohm, M., Neubarth, W.
- Internet Survey Software Tools; 2008; Kaczmirek, L.
- Increasing item completion rates in matrix questions ; 2008; Kaczmirek, L.
- Differences between respondents and nonrespondents in an Internet survey recruited from face-to-face...; 2007; Bandilla, W., Blohm, M., Kaczmirek, L. & Neubarth, W.
- Nicht-reaktive datenerhebung: Teinahmeverhalten bei befragungen mit paradaten evaluieren. [Non reactive...; 2007; Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W.
- Response time measurement in the lab and on the Web: A comparison; 2007; Galesic, M., Reips, U.-D., Kaczmirek, L., Czienskowski, U., Liske, N., von Oertzen, T.
- Applications of the Document Object Model (DOM) in Web-Surveys; 2007; Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L.
- Sampling Bias: Face to face to Web; 2007; Bandilla, W., Blohm, M., Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W.
- A short introduction to usability in online surveys; 2006; Kaczmirek, L.
- Standards in Online Surveys. Sources for Professional Codes of Conduct, Ethical Guidelines and Quality...; 2005; Kaczmirek, L., Schulze, N.
- Web Surveys. A Brief Guide on Usability and Implementation Issues; 2005; Kaczmirek, L.