Web Survey Bibliography
A study was conducted to examine the response rate, speed and quality of electronic mail surveys against mail surveys. A number of factors influenced responses, including the presence of incentives, questionnaire length and sensitivity of the topic surveyed. Results revealed no significant differences in responses between e-mail and mail respondents. Both types of surveys generated the same data even though mail surveys supported a higher response rate while e-mail surveys accommodated faster response rates.
Web survey bibliography - International Journal of Market Research (46)
- Ideal and maximum length for a web survey; 2017; Revilla, M.; Ochoa, C.
- PC, phone or tablet? Use, preference and completion rates for web surveys ; 2017; Brosnan, K.; Gruen, B.; Dolnicar, S.
- Device use in web surveys: The effect of differential incentives; 2016; Mavletova, A. M.; Couper, M. P.
- Gamification in market research: Increasing enjoyment, participant engagement and richness of data,...; 2015; Bailey, P.; Pritchard, G.; Kernohan, H.
- Can a non-probabilistic online panel achieve question quality similar to that of the European Social...; 2015; Revilla, M.; Saris, W. E.; Loewe, G.; Ochoa, C.
- The best times to call in a mobile phone survey; 2015; Vicente, P.
- Yes-no answers versus check-all in self-administered modes ; 2015; Callegaro, M.; Henderson, V.; Murakami, M.; Tepman, Z.
- Ideal participants in online market research: Lessons from closed communities; 2013; Heinze, A., Ferneley, E., Child, P.
- Identifying the real differences of opinion in social media sentiment; 2013; Pettit, A.
- Should the third reminder be sent? The role of survey response timing on web survey results; 2013; Rao, K., Pennington, J.
- Book Review: Brand Together: How Co-creation Generates Innovation and Re-energizes Brands, by Nicholas...; 2013; Wilson, Al.
- Digging deeper: using implicit tests to define consumers' semantic network; 2013; Riviere, P., Cuny, C., Allain, G., Vereijken, C.
- Conceptualising and evaluating experiences with brands on Facebook; 2013; Smith, S.
- From mixed-mode to multiple devices. Web surveys, smartphone surveys and apps: has the respondent gone...; 2013; Callegaro, M.
- Moving an established survey online – or not?; 2013; Barber, T., Chilvers, D., Kaul, S.
- A Smarter Way to Select Respondents for Surveys; 2012; Terhanian, G., Bremer, J.
- Coverage error in internet surveys Can fixed phones fix it?; 2012; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- The impact of two-stage highly interesting questions on completion rates and data quality in online...; 2012; Hansen, J. M., Smith, S. M.
- Snap judgement polling; 2011; Anderson, K., Wright, M., Wheeler, M.
- Individual differences in motivation to participate in online panels; 2011; Bruggen, E., Wetzels, M., de Ruyter, K., Schillewaert, N.
- Visiting item non-responses in internet survey data collection; 2011; Albaum, G., Roster, C. A., Smith, S. M., Wiley, J. B.
- Capturing affective experiences using the SMS Experience Sampling (SMS-ES) method.; 2011; Andrews, L., Russell-Bennett, R., Drennan, J.
- Online qualitative approaches: an appraisal; 2011; Parker, Ke.
- Machines that lean how to code open ended survey data; 2010; Esuli, A., Sebastiani, F.
- Research into questionnaire design - A summary of the literature; 2010; Lietz, P.
- Effects of incentives and the Big Five personality dimensions on internet panellists' ratings; 2009; Larson, A. J., Sachau, D. A.
- Using mobile phones for survey research A comparison with fixed phones ; 2009; Vicente, P., Reis, E., Santos, R.
- Media research: can technology replace interviews?; 2009; Windle, R.
- Prospects for mixed-mode data collection in cross-national surveys; 2009; Eva, G., Jowell, R.
- Online audio group discussions: a comparison with face-to-face methods; 2009; Cheng, C. C., Krumwiede, D., Sheu, C.
- Forum - Research 2.0: engage or give up the ghost?; 2009; Oxley, M., Light, B.
- A hybrid online and offline approach to market measurement studies; 2009; Cooke, M., Watkins, N., Moy, C.
- "Connected research" - How market research can get the most out of semantic web waves; 2009; Schillewaert, N., De Ruyck, T., Verhaeghe, A.
- Join the research - participant-led open-ended questions ; 2008; Verhaeghe, A., De Ruyck, T., Schillewaert, N.
- Optimising the language of email survey invitations; 2008; Moskowitz, H., Martin, B.
- Asking the age question in mail and online surveys; 2008; Gendall, P., Healey, B.
- Mixed mode: the only 'fitness' regime?; 2008; Blyth, B.
- The journal's 50th anniversary; 2008; Mouncey, P.
- Recruitment for online access panels; 2004; Goeritz, A.
- The impact of material incentives on response quantity, response quality, sample composition, survey...; 2004; Goeritz, A.
- Response order effects – how do people read?; 2003; Duffy, B.
- Human factors in business-to-business research over the internet; 2001; Culkin, N., Brown, Js., Fletcher, J.
- The record of internet-based opinion polls in predicting the results of 72 races in the November 2000...; 2001; Taylor, H., Bremer, J., Overmeyer, C., Siegel, J. W., Terhanian, G.
- A Comparison Of Mail, Fax, And Web-Based Survey Methods; 2000; Cobanoglu, C., Warde, B., Moreo, P. J.
- Comparing the response rate, response speed and response quality of two methods of sending questionnaires...; 1998; Tse, A. C. B.
- The Impact of Topic Interest on Mail Survey Response Behaviour; 1994; Martin, C.