Web Survey Bibliography
Nowadays, many National Statistical Institutes (NSI’s) have opted for the web as their principal mode of primary data collection. Still, it is a paradox that our knowledge about the utilization of this technology is scattered and unsystematic. As a consequence, many methodologists across NSI’s are struggling with the design of web-based data collections. In this paper we discuss a number of design and implementation issues for web-based data collections, based on experiences in Norway, The Netherlands and Denmark. In order to achieve cross-national knowledge integration, we advocate the establishment of a Working Group of methodologists for web-based data collection within the European
Statistical System.
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Web survey bibliography - Stax, H.-P. (4)
- Dynamic Data Editing in online data collection for the Vacant Positions Survey; 2011; Stax, H.-P.
- Utilizing Web Technology in Business Data Collection: Some Norwegian, Dutch and Danish Experiences; 2011; Snijkers, G., Haraldsen, G., Stax, H.-P.
- Utilizing Web Technology in Business Data Collection: Some Norwegian, Dutch and Danish Experiences; 2011; Haraldsen, G., Snijkers, G., Roos, M., Sundvoll, A., Vik, T., Stax, H.-P.
- From paper to internet: Design challenges when mixing modes in longitudinal surveys; 2009; Stax, H.-P., Thomsen, P.