Web Survey Bibliography
Increasing nonresponse rates & increasing costs to conduct survey research have led to a search for new data collection procedures. A mixedmode design is often proposed as a data collection strategy that may increase response rates & reduces interviewer costs. Empirical evidences for both claims are, however, limited. In recent years the Netherlands institute for social research has conducted several large scale surveys among the four largest non-western migrants & their children using a face-to-face mode. Since these groups (from Turkey, Morocco, Suriname & Antillean and Aruba) have traditionally below-average response rates & a face-toface mode is the most costly interview mode, a mixed-mode design has been considered to implement in the field work strategy. Before any changes are made, experts in survey methodology in general & experts in surveying ethnic minorities & mixed-mode research in particular have been consulted. Above that, literature about mixed-mode research has been reviewed. The results of these consultations & review will be discussed in this presentation.
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