Web Survey Bibliography
Mobile phone surveys are gaining popularity, however very little experimental research has been conducted on mobile phone surveys. One rare exception is the work by Peytchev and Hill (2010), who embedded several experiments within a series of mobile surveys. In this study, we build on and extend Peytchev and Hill’s work in several ways: 1) by utilizing a large, national sample of mobile phone users, 2) by including an additional set of question wording and question formatting experiments, and 3) by conducting a parallel set of online survey experiments. The main focus of this study is replicating the experimental mobile survey findings with web surveys taken on a PC. The study design will allow us to compare findings between smartphone and online survey administrations. This study is based on 1500 online panelists who are also smartphone users. Respondents were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 survey versions: mobile version A, mobile version B, online version A, or online version B. Surveys for each study group were 25 questions and approximately 10 minutes long. Experiments embedded within the surveys included the presentation of low versus high frequency scales and closed-ended versus open-ended other categories (similar to Peytchev and Hill) as well as the manipulation of text box size and response option order. Finally, we also analyze survey breakoffs within and across modes, but study this observationally, rather than by explicitly manipulating length of survey. By conducting this research, we gain a better understanding of what does and doesn’t work with mobile surveys and how they can be optimized.
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Web survey bibliography - Link, M. W. (16)
- Mobile Technologies for Conducting, Augmenting and Potentially Replacing Surveys: Report of the AAPOR...; 2014; Link, M. W., Murphy, J., Schober, M. F., Buskirk, T. D., Childs, J. H., Tesfaye, C.
- Measuring Compliance in Mobile Longitudinal Repeated-Measures Design Study; 2013; Link, M. W.
- The Gamification of Marketing Research; 2013; Donato, P., Link, M. W.
- Comparing Tablet, Computer, and Smartphone Survey Administrations; 2013; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Effective e-incentive for Online Study: Comparing Branded e-Gift Card and Virtual Cash Card; 2013; Jin, T., Duan, S., Lai, J. W., Link, M. W.
- Smartphone Apps and User Engagement: Collecting Data in the Digital Era; 2012; Link, M. W.
- Oh, Just One More Thing … Leveraging “Leave-Behinds” in Data Collection; 2012; Link, M. W.
- A Direct Comparison of Mobile Versus Online Survey Modes; 2012; Wells, T., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- Comments on the Articles (3) - Three Key Takeaways from the Zero Bank Debate; 2009; W.Link, M. W.
- Summaries of Address-Based Sampling Presentations at the AAPOR Annual Meeting; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Yancey, L. T., Thu Burks, A., Bourquin, C.Link, M. W.
- Addressing the Cell Phone-Only Problem: Cell Phone Sampling Versus Address Based Sampling; 2009; W., Daily, G., Shuttles, D. C., Bourquin, C., Yancey, L. T.Link, M. W.
- Transitioning from Self-Reports to Self-Installed Electronic Audience Measurement; 2008; Trussell, N., Vanno, L., Matthess, E., Bailey, J., Link, M. W.
- An Evaluation of Respondent Selection Methods for Household Mail Surveys; 2008; Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R., Osborn, L., Mokdad, A., Link, M. W.
- Effects of Cell Phones in Land-Line Households; 2006; Lambries, D., Oldendick, R. W., Link, M. W.
- Can Web and Mail Survey Modes Improve Participation in an RDD-based National Health Surveillance?; 2006; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.
- Alternative Modes for Health Surveillance Surveys: An Experiment with Web, Mail, and Telephone; 2005; Link, M. W., Mokdad, A.