Web Survey Bibliography
Innovation spreads swiftly in production, in distribution and in consumption of the Agro Food sector. Furthermore, policy strategies affect each aspect of the sector differently. Thus, significant data are needed to monitor different facets of this sector both from the businesses and the consumers point of view. To make quantitative information available new data collection modes as well as data dissemination have become key issues. Our paper focuses on the data collection using web surveys and web panels. A new panel construction project is presented: the PAADEL (Panel AAgro-Food and DEmographic in Lombardy). Panels on businesses and on consumers are set up under this project and some methodological studies undertaken. These paper describes the set of panels included in the project and one experimental studies on incentives which supported the idea of using incentives based on social exchange theory.
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Web survey bibliography - Biffignandi, S. (17)
- Targeted letters: Effects on sample composition and item non-response; 2017; Bianchi, A.; Biffignandi, S.
- Web-respondent-driven sampling; 2014; Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S., Artaz, R.
- Improving web survey quality; 2014; Steinmetz, S., Bianchi, S. M., Tijdens, K. G., Biffignandi, S.
- Web Panel Representativeness; 2013; Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S.
- Responsive design for mixed-mode panel data; 2013; Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S.
- Responsive Design for Web Panel Data Collection; 2013; Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S.
- Innovation in Data Collection: the Responsive Design Approach; 2013; Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S.
- Online Data Collection in the Agro-Food Sector; 2012; Biffignandi, S., Artaz, R.
- Panel retention rate and data quality: experimental results drawing on Reciprocity design; 2012; Biffignandi, S., Artaz, R.
- Challenges and pitfalls of measuring wages via web surveys - some explorations; 2012; Steinmetz, S., Bianchi, A., Tijdens, K., Biffignandi, S.
- Web Surveys: Methodological Problems and Research Perspectives; 2012; Biffignandi, S., Bethlehem, J.
- Using survey data collection as a tool for improving the survey process; 2011; Biffignandi, S., Perani, G., Laureti, A.
- Modeling non-sampling errors and participation in Web surveys; 2010; Biffignandi, S.
- Imperfect frames and new data collection techniques ; 2009; Biffignandi, S.
- An experiment on the effects of non-response reweighting on estimators' precision in a web survey; 2009; Fabrizi, E., Biffignandi, S., Toninelli, D.
- The Electronic Questionnaire Experience in Business Surveys: mode effects on quality and on response...; 2009; Biffignandi, S., Siesto, G., Zeli, A.
- Calibration and Propensity Score Weighting in Web Surveys; 2007; Fabrizi, E., Biffignandi, S.