Web Survey Bibliography
The Census Bureau implemented the 2003 National Census Test (NCT) from January to April 2003. The objective of the test was tri-fold: to study the impact of offering various selfresponse options, new or additional contact strategies, and alternative race and Hispanic origin questions on cooperation rates and data quality. The overall goal of the 2003 NCT was to identify the best strategy for increasing self response to the census, thus reducing the Nonresponse Followup (NRFU) workload. Successful accomplishment of this goal would improve the data quality of the 2010 Census while reducing the cost of data collection. This paper presents the methodology and results of the selfresponse option portion of the NCT. The self-response options tested the following response modes: Internet, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), and paper. The analysis presented in this paper assesses the effect of offering these alternative response modes and the interactions among these various modes on overall cooperation rates and data quality.
Conference Homepage (abstract) / (full text)