Web Survey Bibliography
We consider the effect of a wave of mixed-mode data collection (telephone and face-toface), in an otherwise face-to-face survey, on panel attrition and the extent to which this effect is dependent on the nature of the mode-switch protocol. Findings are reported from an experiment. One protocol involves making extended efforts to interview each household member by telephone before switching to face-to-face, while the other involves switching a household to face-to-face as soon as it is apparent that an interviewer visit will be needed for at least one household member. With both protocols response rate at the mixed-mode wave is lower than with face-to-face single mode data collection, but with the protocol involving extended efforts this response differential is eroded over the following two waves.
Understanding Society Homepage (abstract) / (full text)
Web survey bibliography - Lynn, P. (35)
- Targeted Appeals for Participation in Letters to Panel Survey Members; 2016; Lynn, P.
- Assessing targeted approach letters: effects in different modes on response rates, response speed and...; 2016; Lynn, P.
- Revisiting “yes/no” versus “check all that apply”: Results from a mixed modes...; 2016; Nicolaas, G.; Campanelli, P.; Hope, S.; Jaeckle, A.; Lynn, P.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 7: Results from Methodological Experiments; 2015; Blom, A. G.; Burton, J.; Booker, C. L.; Cernat, A.; Fairbrother, M.; Jaeckle, A.; Kaminska, O.; Keusch...
- Going Online with a Face-to-Face Household Panel: Effects of a Mixed Mode Design on Item and Unit Non...; 2015; Burton, J.; Jaeckle, A.; Lynn, P.
- The role of email addresses and email contact in encouraging web response in a mixed mode design ; 2014; Cernat, A., Lynn, P.
- Measurement effects between CAPI and Web questionnaires in the UK Household Longitudinal Study; 2014; Lynn, P., Vannieuwenhuyze, J. T. A.
- Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from Recent Research; 2014; Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A., Sturgis, P.
- Tailoring mode of data collection in longitudinal studies; 2013; Kaminska, O., Lynn, P.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 5: results from methodological experiments; 2013; Auspurg, K., Burton, J., Cullinane, C., Delavande, A., Fumagalli, L., Iacovou, M., Jaeckle, A., Kaminska...
- The Role of Mode Preference Questions in Predicting Mode-Specific Response Propensities; 2013; Lynn, P., Kaminska, O.
- Issues of Coverage and Sampling in Web Surveys for the General Population; 2013; Lynn, P.
- Going online with a face-to-face household panel: initial results from an experiment on the Understanding...; 2013; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Burton, J.
- Targeted response inducement strategies on longitudinal surveys; 2013; Lynn, P.
- An Initial Look at Non-Response and Attrition in Understanding Society; 2012; Lynn, P., Burton, J., Kaminska, O., Knies, G., Nandi, A.
- The Propensity of Older Respondents to Participate in a General Purpose Survey; 2012; Lynn, P.
- Mode-Switch Protocols: How a Seemingly Small Design Difference can affect Attrition Rates and Attrition...; 2012; Lynn, P.
- Going online with a face-to-face household panel: Initial results from an experiment on the UK Household...; 2012; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Burton, J.
- ISER working paper 2011-31. Is it a good idea to optimise question format for mode of data collection...; 2011; Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hope, S., Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P.
- Maintaining Cross-Sectional Representativeness in a Longitudinal General Population Survey ; 2011; Lynn, P.
- The Effect of a Mixed Mode Wave on Subsequent Attrition in a Panel Survey: Evidence from the Understanding...; 2011; Lynn, P.
- Is it a good idea to optimise question format for mode of data collection? Results from a mixed modes...; 2011; Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hope, S., Lynn, P., Nandi, A.
- The effects of mixed mode designs on simple and complex analyses; 2011; Martin, P., Lynn, P.
- Making Good Use of Survey Paradata; 2010; Lynn, P., Nicolaas, G.
- Weighting Strategy for Understanding Society; 2010; Lynn, P., Kaminska, O.
- Sample Design for Understanding Society ; 2009; Lynn, P.
- Methodological Research for Longitudinal Surveys; 2009; Lynn, P.
- Mixed Modes and Measurement Error: Comparing face-to-face, telephone and web modes ; 2009; Hope, S., Nicolaas, G., Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Nandi, A., Campanelli, P.
- New Methodologies in Sampling Rare and Elusive Populations; 2009; Pal, S., Thompson, S., Kalton, G., Lynn, P.
- Respondent Incentives in a Multi-Mode Panel Survey: Cumulative Effects on Non-Response and Bias; 2008; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P.
- Methodology in Our Madness; 2007; Lynn, P.
- Using Multiple Modes to Collect Data in Surveys; 2007; Lynn, P.
- Telephone versus Face-to-Face Interviewing: Mode Effects on Data Quality and Likely Causes. Report...; 2006; Jaeckle, A., Lynn, P., Roberts, C.,
- Towards Standardisation of Survey Outcome Categories and Response Rate Calculations; 2003; Lynn, P., Beerten, R., Laiho, J., Martin, J.
- Recommended Standard Final Outcome Categories and Standard Definitions of Response Rate for Social Surveys...; 2001; Lynn, P., Beerten, R., Laiho, J., Martin, J.