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Web Survey Bibliography

Title An Initial Look at Non-Response and Attrition in Understanding Society
Year 2012
Access date 23.01.2013

This paper describes the extent and correlates of non-response at waves 1 and 2 of Understanding Society. We examine both household-level and individual-level nonresponse at wave 1. For wave 2, we examine attrition relative to wave 1 both in terms of enumerated persons and in terms of adults responding to the individual interview. We analyse separately the general population sample and the ethnic minority boost sample. We also describe attrition for the BHPS sample between wave 18 of the BHPS and wave 2 of  Understanding Society, when that sample was incorporated into
Understanding Society. 

Access/Direct link

Understanding Society Homepage (abstract) / (full text)

Year of publication2012
Bibliographic typeReports, seminars

Web survey bibliography - Lynn, P. (35)