Web Survey Bibliography
An important development in the social sciences over the past decades has been the increased use of Web surveys and Web panel surveys in particular. A panel survey is a survey in which similar measurements are made on the same individuals at different points in time. While survey collection was left to professionals only a couple of years ago, with the rise of Internet, Web surveys have become available to the masses. Online surveying is cheap, little effort is needed, multimedia can be easily added, and the potential range of respondents is enormous. Many people in education, business, and government see the opportunities of doing Internet surveys on their own. This chapter will focus on server-side surveys and discusses new innovative ways for recruiting online panel members. The emphasis lies on the recruitment of panel members.
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Web survey bibliography - In Lior Gideon (ed.): Handbook of Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences (13)
- Comparability of Survey Measurements; 2012; Oberski, D.
- Why People Agree to Participate in Surveys; 2012; Albaum, G., Smith, S. M.
- Unit Non-Response Due to Refusal; 2012; Stoop, I.
- Classification of Surveys; 2012; Stoop, I., Harrison, E.
- What Survey Modes are Most Effective in Eliciting Self-Reports of Criminal or Delinquent Behavior?; 2012; Kleck, G., Roberts, K.
- Non-Response and Measurement Error; 2012; Billiet, J., Matsuo, H.
- An Overlooked Approach in Survey Research: Total Survey Error; 2012; Bautista, R.
- Effects of Incentives in Surveys; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Respondents Cooperation: Demographic Profile of Survey Respondents and Its Implication; 2012; Glaser, P.
- Costs and Errors in Fixed and Mobile Phone Surveys; 2012; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A., Berzelak, N.
- E-Mail Surveys; 2012; Mesch, G.
- Building Your Own Online Panel Via E-Mail and Other Digital Media; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Increasing Response Rate in Web-Based/Internet Surveys; 2012; Manzo, A. N., Burke, J. M.