Web Survey Bibliography
Non-response is a key threat to survey quality when participation is related to the topic of a survey. The higher the non-response and the more respondents differ from the non-respondents, the larger the non-response bias and the lower the validity of survey results. Refusal is usually the major cause of non-response. This can result in non-response bias when the reasons for refusal are related to the topic of the survey. Face-to-face surveys can provide some information about refusals and refusers. Based on empirical evidence from a wide range of studies this chapter shows why people cooperate and why they refuse, which survey design issues can influence cooperation and what impact interviewers can have. It also discusses the extent to which refusal conversion can help to enhance response rates and minimise bias, and how follow-up surveys or doorstep questionnaires can help to provide information about the survey questions that are central to the topic.
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Web survey bibliography - In Lior Gideon (ed.): Handbook of Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences (13)
- Comparability of Survey Measurements; 2012; Oberski, D.
- Why People Agree to Participate in Surveys; 2012; Albaum, G., Smith, S. M.
- Unit Non-Response Due to Refusal; 2012; Stoop, I.
- Classification of Surveys; 2012; Stoop, I., Harrison, E.
- What Survey Modes are Most Effective in Eliciting Self-Reports of Criminal or Delinquent Behavior?; 2012; Kleck, G., Roberts, K.
- Non-Response and Measurement Error; 2012; Billiet, J., Matsuo, H.
- An Overlooked Approach in Survey Research: Total Survey Error; 2012; Bautista, R.
- Effects of Incentives in Surveys; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Respondents Cooperation: Demographic Profile of Survey Respondents and Its Implication; 2012; Glaser, P.
- Costs and Errors in Fixed and Mobile Phone Surveys; 2012; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A., Berzelak, N.
- E-Mail Surveys; 2012; Mesch, G.
- Building Your Own Online Panel Via E-Mail and Other Digital Media; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Increasing Response Rate in Web-Based/Internet Surveys; 2012; Manzo, A. N., Burke, J. M.