Web Survey Bibliography
Whenever two or more survey statistics are compared, the question arises whether this comparison is warranted. Warranted usually means that there is no methodological artifact that could possibly explain any differences: I term this the “strong” interpretation of comparability. The “weak” interpretation of comparability is then that artifacts might exist, but evidence shows that they are not strong enough to explain away a particular substantive finding. In this chapter I discuss some methods to prevent, detect, and correct for incomparability. Translation issues and coding of design characteristics of questions in different countries are particularly relevant to cross-cultural studies. Strong and weak comparability, and the methods associated with them, are discussed for different aspects of total survey error (TSE). On the “measurement side” of TSE, invariance testing, differential item functioning, and anchoring vignettes are well-known techniques. On the “representation side,” I discuss the use of the R-indicator to provide evidence that the comparison of survey statistics is warranted.
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Web survey bibliography - In Lior Gideon (ed.): Handbook of Survey Methodology for the Social Sciences (13)
- Comparability of Survey Measurements; 2012; Oberski, D.
- Why People Agree to Participate in Surveys; 2012; Albaum, G., Smith, S. M.
- Unit Non-Response Due to Refusal; 2012; Stoop, I.
- Classification of Surveys; 2012; Stoop, I., Harrison, E.
- What Survey Modes are Most Effective in Eliciting Self-Reports of Criminal or Delinquent Behavior?; 2012; Kleck, G., Roberts, K.
- Non-Response and Measurement Error; 2012; Billiet, J., Matsuo, H.
- An Overlooked Approach in Survey Research: Total Survey Error; 2012; Bautista, R.
- Effects of Incentives in Surveys; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Respondents Cooperation: Demographic Profile of Survey Respondents and Its Implication; 2012; Glaser, P.
- Costs and Errors in Fixed and Mobile Phone Surveys; 2012; Vehovar, V., Slavec, A., Berzelak, N.
- E-Mail Surveys; 2012; Mesch, G.
- Building Your Own Online Panel Via E-Mail and Other Digital Media; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Increasing Response Rate in Web-Based/Internet Surveys; 2012; Manzo, A. N., Burke, J. M.