Web Survey Bibliography
Title Calibrating Non-Probability Internet Samples with Probability Samples Using Early Adopter Characteristics
Author DiSogra, C., Cobb, C. L., Chan, E., Dennis, J. M.
Year 2011
Access date 21.02.2013
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Knowledge Networks (full text)
Year of publication2011
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Dennis, J. M. (24)
- Are Initial Respondents Different from the Nonresponse Follow-Up Cases? A Study of Probability-Based...; 2016; Zeng, W.; Dennis, J. M.
- How Far Have We Come? The Lingering Digital Divide and Its Impact on the Representativeness of Internet...; 2013; Dennis, J. M., Cobb, C. L.
- Using Probability-based On-line Samples to Calibrate Non-probability Opt-in Samples; 2012; DiSogra, C., Cobb, C. L., Chan, E., Dennis, J. M.
- Calibrating Non-Probability Internet Samples with Probability Samples Using Early Adopter Characteristics...; 2011; DiSogra, C., Cobb, C. L., Chan, E., Dennis, J. M.
- Research synthesis. AAPOR report on online panels; 2010; Brick, J. M., Baker, R., Blumberg, S. J., Couper, M. P., Courtright, M., Dennis, J. M., Dillman, D....
- KnowledgePanel®: Processes & Procedures Contributing to Sample Representativeness & Tests for Self...; 2010; Dennis, J. M.
- Using KnowledgePanel® to Improve the Sample Representativeness and Accuracy of Opt-in Panel Data...; 2010; Dennis, J. M., Peugh, J., Graham, P.
- Producing Straightlining and Item Non-Differentiation in a Web Survey: How Visual Design Plays a Role...; 2009; Callegaro, M., Shand-Lubbers, J., Dennis, J. M.
- Patterns of response and non-response on an election day survey; 2009; Tompson, T., Dennis, J. M., Subias, S.
- The impact of news reports of survey findings on respondents in a longitudinal panel study; 2009; Tompson, T., Dennis, J. M., Kruse, Y.
- Panel Conditioning and Attrition in the AP-Yahoo! News Election Panel Study; 2009; Kruse, Y., Callegaro, M., Dennis, J. M., DiSogra, C., Subias, S., Lawrence, M., Tompson, T.
- The Challenge and Importance of Including Spanish-Dominant Latinos in an Online Panel; 2009; Dennis, J. M., Wells, T., Torres, J.
- Web Panel Studies of the 2008 Election; 2009; Dennis, J. M., Tompson, T.
- Comparison Study of Early Adopter Attitudes and Online Behavior in Probability and Non-Probability Web...; 2009; Dennis, J. M., Osborn, L., Semans, K.
- Description of Within-Panel Survey Sampling Methodology: The Knowledge Networks Approach; 2009; Dennis, J. M.
- Summary of KnowledgePanel® Design; 2009; Dennis, J. M.
- Presentation of a Single Item versus a Grid: Effects on the Vitality and Mental Health Scales of the...; 2009; Callegaro, M., Shand-Lubbers, J., Dennis, J. M.
- A comparison of results from an alcohol survey of a prerecruited Internet panel and the National Epidemiologic...; 2008; Heeren, T., Edwards, E., Dennis, J. M., Rodkin, S., Hingson, R. W., Rosenbloom D. L.
- Mode Effects on In-Person and Internet Surveys: A Comparison of the General Social Survey and Knowledge...; 2008; Smith, T. W., Dennis, J. M.
- Key Issues in Research Accuracy: Sources of bias and error in online research; 2008; Dennis, J. M., Callegaro, M.
- Making Quality Real: Delivering on a Promise of the Best Service and Online Survey Sample ; 2008; Dennis, J. M.
- More honest answers to surveys? A Study of data collection mode effects; 2007; Dennis, J. M., Li, R. J.
- Data Collection Mode Effects Controlling for Sample Origins in a Panel Study: Telephone versus Internet...; 2005; Dennis, J. M., Chatt, C., de Rouvray, C., Pulliam, P.
- Psychological reactions to terrorist attacks. Findings from the national study of American's reactions...; 2002; Thalji, L., Schlenger, W. E., Caddell, J. M., Ebert, L., Jordan, B. K., Rourke, K. M., Willson, D.,...