Web Survey Bibliography
At first sight, web surveys seem to be an interesting and attractive means of data collection. They provide simple, cheap and fast access to a large group of people. However, web surveys also suffer from methodological problems. Outcomes of web surveys may be severally biased, particularly if self-selection of respondents is applied instead of proper probability sampling. Under-coverage is also a serious problem. This raises the question whether web surveys can be used for data collection in official statistics. This paper addresses the problems under-coverage and self-selection in web surveys, and attempts to describe how Internet data collection can be incorporated in normal data collection practices of official statistics
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Web survey bibliography - Bethlehem, J. (21)
- The perils of non-probability sampling; 2017; Bethlehem, J.
- Sunday shopping – The case of three surveys; 2016; Bethlehem, J.
- Solving the Nonresponse Problem With Sample Matching?; 2016
- Using Web Panels for Official Statistics; 2014; Bethlehem, J.
- Web Surveys in Official Statistics; 2014; Bethlehem, J.
- Online panel research: History, concepts, applications and a look at the future; 2014; Callegaro, M., Baker, R., Bethlehem, J., Goeritz, A., Krosnick, J. A., Lavrakas, P. J.
- Using response probabilities for assessing representativity; 2012; Bethlehem, J.
- Web Surveys: Methodological Problems and Research Perspectives; 2012; Biffignandi, S., Bethlehem, J.
- Can web surveys provide an adequate alternative to phone and face to face surveys?; 2011; Bethlehem, J.
- Selection Bias in Web Surveys; 2010; Bethlehem, J.
- Can we make official statistics with self-selection web surveys?; 2009; Bethlehem, J.
- The rise of survey sampling; 2009; Bethlehem, J.
- New developments in survey methodology for official statistics; 2009; Bethlehem, J.
- Indicators for the representativeness of survey response; 2009; Schouten, B., Cobben, F., Bethlehem, J.
- Use of Web surveys in Official Statistics; 2009; Bethlehem, J.
- Applied Survey Methods: A Statistical Perspective (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology); 2009; Bethlehem, J.
- Nonresponse Bias in Surveys; 2009; Bethlehem, J., Vehovar, V., Stoop, I., Schouten, B., Shlomo, N., Skinner, C., Montaquila, J.
- Representativity of web surveys – an illusion?; 2008; Bethlehem, J.
- How accurate are self-selection web surveys?; 2008; Bethlehem, J.
- Blaise – Alive and kicking for 20 years; 2006; Bethlehem, J., Hofman, L.
- Methodological guidelines for Blaise web surveys ; 2003; Bethlehem, J., Hoogendoorn, A.