Web Survey Bibliography
Advertisers often use videos in online surveys to assess effectiveness of advertisements. While this allows marketers to test immediate reactions to videos, technical issues and lack of high-speed Internet access can introduce issues of generalizability and of comparability with alternate methodologies. Despite increased interest in embedding rich media in surveys, there is little published research on the implications for survey measurement. In a probability-based online advertising tracking survey, respondents were asked two sets of advertising recall questions. First, they were asked if they had seen advertisements for the Military or for any of its specific Services. Next, depending on whether respondents could successfully view a test video, respondents were shown videos or images of several specific advertisements and asked if they had seen them. Respondents who had seen the advertisements or who were shown videos were asked about their reactions to the ads. Time spent per survey page and the randomized presentation order of the advertisements was recorded. Our research examines the effects of using video stimuli on measurement. First, we use logistic regression to predict whether respondents could view videos, based on demographics; differences would indicate potential bias in studies solely using a videobased methodology. Second, we examine differences in ad recall based on whether respondents were shown images or videos, using demographics and the first set of recall questions to attempt to control for the possible confound between respondent selection into the video condition and respondent ability to view videos. Third, we use regression methods to predict whether respondents who were shown videos viewed the entire advertisements, based on demographics and presentation order. Fourth, we examine response differentiation and the selection of 'not sure' options in the ad reaction questions among respondents who were shown videos, based on demographics, whether respondents viewed the entire videos, and presentation order.
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Web survey bibliography - Mendelson, J. (5)
- Displaying Videos in Web Surveys: Implications for Complete Viewing and Survey Responses; 2017; Mendelson, J.; Lee Gibson, J.; Romano Bergstrom, J. C.
- Effects of Respondent Reluctance, Mode, and Technical Difficulties on Straight- Lining and Refusals...; 2013; Gibson, J. L., Mendelson, J.
- Effects of Displaying Videos on Measurement in a Web Survey; 2013; Mendelson, J., Gibson, J. L., Romano Bergstrom, J. C.
- Tablets and Smartphones and Netbooks, Oh My! Effects of Device Type on Respondent Behavior; 2013; Ross, H., Mendelson, J., Lackey, M.
- Impacts of Unit Nonresponse in a Recontact Study of Youth; 2013; Mendelson, J., Viera Jr., L.