Web Survey Bibliography
This chapter reviews the role that technology plays in facilitating research and its environment. Significant milestones in the evolution of information technology are reviewed before discussing the role of technology across various steps in the research process. The research process is broken down into eight logical steps to discuss the role of technology in substantial depth. Discussions on the role of technology also highlight the contribution of Web 2.0 tools to research and collaboration. The role of technology in facilitating the environment of research and making the process more effective is discussed briefly. The chapter also provides insights into the role of technology in safeguarding ethics in research. Common criticisms against over reliance on technology are also discussed while suggesting ideas to counter those criticisms. Finally, the scope for future research is reviewed and a summary of the discussions is provided. The primary objective of the chapter is to lead the readers to appreciate the role that technology has played in facilitating research by exposing them to current trends and past practices.
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Web survey bibliography - In Sappleton, N. (ed.): Advancing Research Methods with New Technologies. IGI Global. (5)
- History of Technology in Research; 2013; Sahu, C.
- The E-Interview in Qualitative Research; 2013; Bampton, R., Cowton, C., Downs, Y.
- Methodological Considerations of Qualitative Email Interviews; 2013; Nehls, K.
- Best Practice in Online Survey Research with Sensitive Topics; 2013; Kays, K., Keith, T. L., Broughal, M. T.
- Reducing Response Burden for Enterprises Combining Methods for Data Collection on the Internet; 2013; Vik, T.