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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Web questionnaires in official population surveys: Do's and don'ts First experiments and impacts on ESSnet Project on Data Collection for Social Surveys using Multi Modes (DCSS)
Author Blanke, K.
Year 2013
Access date 05.07.2013

Many social surveys are facing the pressure to introduce web based data collection as an additional mode, due to expectations on cost-savings, improving data quality and raising response-rates. Consequently, the European Statistical System may increasingly use multiple data collection modes, with CAWI as a new, additional mode. To prepare for the methodological challenges Eurostat has launched a project (ESSnet) on "Data Collection for Social Surveys using multiple modes" (DCSS). The project started in autumn 2012 and covers two major topics: (a) Design of CAWI instruments and (b) Multi-mode data collection design. Five partners** are involved; Destatis is acting as project co-ordinator.
Involved in the project Destatis is conducting pretests on the design of an adequate CAWI instrument for complex, offical population surveys. As first approach a rather small household survey on annual panel data will be tested during spring 2013. To begin with simple It-related functionalities will be tested (different browsers, screens), before two waves of qualitative pretesting either in the laboratory or by visiting household-sites are scheduled. Three methods of testing (observation, cognitive interviewing and eye-tracking) will be applied. Besides the general usability a special focus is testing the navigation (navigation tree vs. forward and backward-buttons, error checks (type/amount), style of error messages as well as kind and placement of instructions.
The presentation will give an overview on the findings of the pretest and the impact on the ESSnet (DCSS). Particular emphasis are taken on the lessons learned by respondents...

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Year of publication2013
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
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