Web Survey Bibliography
Household surveys are increasingly moving toward self-administered modes of data collection. To maintain a probability sample of the population, researchers must use probability methods to select adults within households. However, very little experimental methodological work has been conducted on within-household selection in mail surveys. In this study, we experimentally examine four methods—the next-birthday method, the last-birthday method, selection of the youngest adult in the household, and selection of the oldest adult in the household—in two mail surveys of Nebraska residents (n = 2,498, AAPOR RR1 36.3 percent, and n = 947, AAPOR RR1 31.6 percent). To evaluate how accurately respondents were selected from among all adults in the household, we also included a household roster in the questionnaire for one of the surveys. We evaluated response rates, the completed sample composition resulting from the different within-household selection methods, and the accuracy of within-household selection. The analyses indicate that key demographics differed little across the selection methods, and that all of the within-household selection methods tend to underrepresent key demographic groups such as Hispanics and persons with lower levels of education. Rates of selection accuracy were low among the four selection methods analyzed, and the rates were similar across all four methods.
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Web survey bibliography - Smyth, J. D. (23)
- The Effect of CATI Questions, Respondents, and Interviewers on Response Time; 2016; Olson, K.; Smyth, J. D.
- Identifying predictors of survey mode preference; 2015; Millar, M. M.; Olson, K.; Smyth, J. D.
- Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method, 4th Edition; 2014; Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., Christian, L. M.
- The Effect of Answering in a Preferred Versus a Non-Preferred Survey Mode on Measurement; 2014; Smyth, J. D., Olson, K., Kasabian, A.
- Assessing Within-Household Selection Methods in Household Mail Surveys; 2014; Olson, K., Stange, M., Smyth, J. D.
- Accuracy of Within-household Selection in Web and Mail Surveys of the General Population.; 2014; Olson, K., Smyth, J. D.
- Using Eye Tracking to Examine the Visual Design of Web Surveys; 2014; Zhou, Q., Ricci, K., Olson, K., Smyth, J. D.
- Are You Seeing What I am Seeing? Exploring Response Option Visual Design Effects With Eye-Tracking; 2013; Libman, A., Smyth, J. D., Olson, K.
- The effects of item saliency and question design on measurement error in a self-administered survey; 2012; Stern, M. J., D., Mendez, J. D.Smyth, J. D.
- Does Giving People Their Preferred Survey Mode Actually Increase Survey Participation Rates?; 2012; Olson, K., Smyth, J. D., Wood, H.
- Turn that Frown Upside-Down: The Effects of Smiley Faces as Symbolic Language in Self-administered Surveys...; 2012; Libman, A., Smyth, J. D.
- Literacy and Data Quality in Self-Administered Surveys; 2011; Smyth, J. D., Olson, K.
- Medium Node: NSF Census Research Network; 2011; McCutcheon, A. L., Belli, R. F., Olson, K., Smyth, J. D., Soh, L.-K.
- Using the Internet to Survey Small Towns and Communities: Limitations and Possibilities in the Early...; 2010; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., O'Neill, A. C.
- Response format effects on measurement of employment; 2009; Thomas, R. K., Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D.
- Open-Ended Questions in Web Surveys: Can Increasing the Size of Answer Boxes and Providing Extra Verbal...; 2009; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., McBride, M.
- ...; 2008; Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., Christian, L. M., O'Neill, A. C.
- Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method ; 2008; Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., Smyth, J. D.
- Combining Mail and Internet Methods to Conduct Household Surveys of the General Public: A New Methodology...; 2008; Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., Christian, L. M., Oneill, A.
- Context effects in Internet Surveys: New issues and evidence; 2007; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M.
- Is it Possible to Obtain Equivalent Answers to Scalar Questions in Web and Telephone Surveys?; 2006; Christian, L. M., Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D.
- Open-Ended Questions in Web and Telephone Surveys; 2006; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., McBride, M.
- Comparing Check-All and Forced-Choice Question Formats in Web Surveys: The Role of Satisficing, Depth...; 2005; Smyth, J. D., Dillman, D. A., Christian, L. M., Stern, M. J.