Web Survey Bibliography
We investigate the effects of unplanned mobile response in an online panel survey optimized for computers only. We focus on nonresponse and the analysis is based on the first six waves of the GESIS Panel (www.gesis-panel.org). The rate of unplanned mobile response, in Germany, and the pattern of device use along the six waves, is investigated. Secondly, the relationship between personal characteristics and propensity to use mobile devices along a panel survey is analysed. Finally, we test whether unplanned mobile response is related to a higher risk of breaking off and attrition.
European survey research associaton conference 2015, ESRA, Reykjavik >>
Web survey bibliography - Poggio, T. (5)
- Unplanned use of mobile devices in a probabilistic online panel survey: Patterns of use and implications...; 2015; Poggio, T.; Bosnjak, M.; Bandilla, W.; Weyandt, K.
- Survey participation via mobile devices in a probability-based online-panel: Prevalence, determinants...; 2014; Poggio, T., Bosnjak, M., Weyandt, K.
- Online mobile surveys in Italy: coverage and other methodological challenges; 2014; Poggio, T.
- A walking exercise on a tightrope: trying to balance coverage, probabilistic sampling and the costs...; 2013; Poggio, T.
- Mobile Survey Participation Rates in Commercial Market Research: A Meta-Analysis; 2012; Bosnjak, M., Poggio, T., Becker, K. R., Funke, F., Wachenfeld, A., Fischer, B.