Web Survey Bibliography
The term ‘‘gamification’’ is used for a wide variety of techniques aimed to increase respondent
engagement while filling out web surveys. Suggested approaches range from rephrasing questions to
sound more game-like to embedding the entire survey into a game where respondent avatars
adventure through a fantasy land while answering survey questions. So far, only a few experimental
studies regarding the influence of gamification on survey responding have been published in peer-
reviewed journals. This article systematically reviews the current research literature on gamification in surveys by first answering the question as to what gamification entails in the context of web surveys by identifying relevant gamification elements. Next, the article discusses how these elements could influence survey data quality using the Total Survey Error framework. Finally, a systematic review of empirical evidence on gamified surveys from published and unpublished studies is provided. While most studies found in our literature review reported a positive effect of using game elements, such as challenges, story/narrative, rewards, goals/objectives, and badges, on psychological outcomes among survey respondents (e.g., fun, interest, satisfaction), the influence of these elements on behavioral outcomes (e.g., completion and break-offs, item omission, satisficing, responses) and, therefore, survey quality is more unclear. This article informs survey researchers and practitioners of the current state of research on survey gamification and identifies potential areas for future research.
Web survey bibliography - Zhang, C. (16)
- Reducing speeding in web surveys by providing immediate feedback; 2017; Conrad, F.; Tourangeau, R.; Couper, M. P.; Zhang, C.
- Respondent mode choice in a smartphone survey ; 2017; Conrad, F. G., Schober, M. F., Antoun, C., Yan, H. Y., Hupp, A., Johnston, M., Ehlen, P., Vickers, L...
- Helping respondents provide good answers in Web surveys; 2016; Couper, M. P.; Zhang, C.
- Comparisons of Online Recruitment Strategies for Convenience Samples: Craigslist, Google AdWords, Facebook...; 2016; Antoun, C., Zhang, C., Conrad, F. G., Schober, M. F.
- A Review of Issues in Gamified Surveys; 2015; Keusch, F.; Zhang, Che.
- Speeding in Web Surveys: The tendency to answer very fast and its association with straightlining; 2013; Conrad, F. G.; Zhang, Che.
- Satisficing in Web Surveys: Implications for Data Quality and Strategies for Reduction; 2013; Zhang, Che.
- Speeding and Non-Differentiation in Web Surveys: Evidence of Correlation and Strategies for Reduction...; 2013; Zhang, Che.
- Evaluating Interactive Feedback in Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing (CASI); 2013; Hudson, M. L., Hupp, A., Zhang, C., Schroeder, H. M.
- Database Lookup in Web Surveys; 2012; Couper, M. P., Zhang, C., Conrad, F. G., Tourangeau, R.
- Designing Interactive Interventions in Web Surveys: Humanness, Social Presence and Data Quality; 2012; Zhang, Che.
- Impact on Data Quality of Making Incentives Salient in Web Survey Invitations.; 2011; Zhang, Che.
- Professional Web Respondents and Data Quality; 2010; Conrad, F. G., Tourangeau, R., Couper, M. P., Zhang, C.
- Differences Between Internet and Non-Internet Households on Survey Items: Do These Differences Disappear...; 2009; Zhang, C., Callegaro, M., Thomas, M.
- Do we hear different voices?: Investigating the differences between internet and non-internet users...; 2009; Zhang, C., Callegaro, M., Thomas, M., DiSogra, C.
- More than the digital divide?: Investigating the differences between Internet and non-Internet users; 2008; Zhang, C., Callegaro, M., Thomas, M.