Web Survey Bibliography
Title A Technical Guide to Effective and Accessible web Surveys
Author Baatard, G.
Source The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 10, 2
Year 2016
Access date 28.02.2016
Full text pdf (372 KB)
Abstract The Internet is becoming an increasingly prominent medium for the administration of surveys. Although individual findings vary, the majority of the literature agrees that the appropriateness and response rates of web surveys is expected to rise in the future as we enter a generation of "digital natives" and mail-based communication becomes increasingly antiquated. Just about every aspect and tenet of traditional survey methodology has received attention in academic literature, positioning it as one of the most mature data collection techniques and a mainstay in all areas of research. While much of this accumulated knowledge is applicable and relevant to web surveys, there are numerous issues that arise specifically when surveys are delivered online. Such issues concern the overall design, delivery and administration of web surveys and the accessibility, structure, presentation and layout of their questions. The decisions made in these areas can influence the efficacy of a web survey in a number of ways, including the rate, integrity and quality of responses. This paper discusses such issues, and makes a number of recommendations to assist researchers in manually developing an effective and accessible web survey and in evaluating survey creation products and services.
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Year of publication2012
Bibliographic typeJournal article