Web Survey Bibliography
Title Navigation Buttons in Web-Based Surveys: Respondents’ Preferences Revisited in the Laboratory
Author Romano Bergstrom, J. C.; Erdman, C.; Lakhe, S.
Source Survey Practice, 9, 1
Year 2016
Access date 14.03.2016
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Abstract Proper placement of navigation buttons in Web-based surveys is critical to collecting high-quality data and reducing respondent burden. While previous studies have measured drop-off rates, keystrokes, and survey completion times as they relate to the position of the Next and Previous navigation buttons, none to date has examined user performance with self-rated user satisfaction and eye tracking. In this study, we manipulated the placement of the navigation buttons (Next, Previous; left or right side of screen) in a Web-based survey. Based on pilot data, we hypothesized that people would look at the right button sooner than the left button and expect it to be Next. We found that people in fact looked at the left button sooner than the right button but that they learned where the primary navigation button was as they progressed through the survey. Notably, people were more satisfied and expressed more preference for Next to be to the right of Previous. Designers and developers of Web-based surveys should design in ways that match the end users’ expectations, and here we demonstrate that users expect the primary navigation button, Next, to be to the right of Previous.
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Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeJournal article