Web Survey Bibliography
Title Spatial Modeling through GIS to Reveal Error Potent ial in Survey Data: Where, What and How Much
Author English, N.; Ventura, I.; Bilgen, I.; Stern, M. J.
Year 2016
Access date 27.05.2016
Address-based surveys with web components have been seen as replacements for telephone surveys due to potential advantages in cost, coverage, and non-response. Web surveys are known to have higher response propensities among certain groups, despite coverage limitations for households lacking internet access or proficiency. As a result, it can be challenging to recruit general population households to a web survey from a random sample of addresses. Our paper presents results from multiple studies at the national and state levels where households were contacted via physical mail to answer web instruments. Our analysis focuses on spatial modeling within geographic information systems (GIS) to understand how the kinds of people who respond to web surveys at as recruited by either mode of contact may differ from other modes as well as the population at-large by location and socioeconomic environment. In so doing, we consider the types of households respond to a given mode, their area-level characteristics, in addition to the relationship between geography and coverage or non-response bias. Our paper continues a program of research that uses GIS to approach issues in survey methodology from a different perspective, and is useful to multi-mode ABS and web practitioners.
Access/Direct link Conference Homepage (abstract)
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Bilgen, I. (6)
- Mode and Eligibility Rates in a Dual-mode Web and Mail Survey ; 2016; Ventura, I.; Bilgen, I.; Stern, M. J.
- Spatial Modeling through GIS to Reveal Error Potent ial in Survey Data: Where, What and How Much ; 2016; English, N.; Ventura, I.; Bilgen, I.; Stern, M. J.
- Where Does the Platform Matter: The Impact of Geographic Clustering in Device Ownership and Internet...; 2015; Bilgen, I.; English, N.; Stern, M. J.; Ventura, I.
- Question Grouping and Matrices in Web Surveys: Using Response and Auxiliary Data to Examine Question...; 2014; Bilgen, I., Stern, M. J.
- How Do Different Sampling Techniques Perform in a Web-Only Survey? Results From a Comparison of a Random...; 2013; Bilgen, I., Stern, M. J., Wolter, K.
- Are Response Rates to a Web-Only Survey Spatially Clustered?; 2013; Fiorio, L., Stern, M. J., English, N., Bilgen, I., Curtis, B.