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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Implications of Response Device Type for Sensitive Web Surveys: Examining Data Quality and Respondent Characteristics in a Su rvey of College Students
Year 2016
Access date 02.06.2016
Mobile device use is increasingly common among young adults 18-29, 85% of whom report owning a smartphone (Smith, 2015). As mobile use has increased so has mobile survey response. While research on the impact of mobile responding is mixed, there is some suggestion that it can lead to data quality issues such as increased break-offs (Mavletova, 2013). These data quality concerns may be compounded when surveys contain sensitive questions. Previous research found that respondents trust mobile devices less with regard to data confidentiality, but saw mixed results when examining the differences in reporting rates of sensitive items between mobile and PC responders (Mavletova and Couper, 2013). However, this study primarily focused on attitudes toward deviant behavior (e.g., drug use) and randomly selected sample members from an online panel; findings may differ with other sensitive topics, such as sexual assault, and in young adult populations with higher rates of mobile use. In this paper we explore differences in reporting of sensitive items and item nonresponse rates for sensitive questions to better understand how survey estimates may differ by device type (computer, smartphone, and tablet). We also examine the impact of device type on survey timing, as well as devicetype usage by respondent characteristics (e.g., sexual assault victimization rates). Data are from the Campus Climate Survey Validation Study Pilot Test, a Bureau of Justice Statistics and Office of Violence Against Women sponsored web survey of college students at nine U.S. institutions. Over 23,000 respondents completed the survey among a random sample of approximately 50,000 students. The survey included questions that measured rates of unwanted sexual contact and campus climate related to sexual harassment and assault. This paper concludes with a discussion on how survey practitioners can use results to inform the design of sensitive web surveys of college student populations.
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
