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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Mode and Eligibility Rates in a Dual-mode Web and Mail Survey
Year 2016
Access date 03.06.2016
Mode effects have been studied extensively with regard to response rates (Shih and Fan, 2008), disclosure of sensitive information (Kreuter et al 2008; Atkeson et al 2014), data quality (deRada andomínguez-Álvarez, 2014), and eligibility (Tourangeau, 2012), but usually within the context of
comparing interviewer mediated and self-administered modes. This paper expands on extant work by examining the relationship between mode, eligibility, and response rates, for two self-administered modes, Web and mail. Our primary research question is whether mode has an influence on screener completion rates. In addition, we examine the interaction between mode effect and question sensitivityon respondents completing the questionnaire. We use data from a study on U.S. residents’ health behaviors, opinions on family structure and roles, relationships, and sexual behavior and identity. A national probability-based address-based sample (ABS) of 2,000 households was randomly split into two groups. The first group received a recruitment letter, with a URL and a PIN, instructing the respondent to complete the survey on the Web, along with a $2 pre-incentive. The second group received a recruitment letter with a questionnaire booklet, along with a $2 pre-incentive. Both the Web and mail groups were then randomly divided into two modules:1) No Screener– survey all respondents 2) Screener– survey only respondents with children. The screener identified households with children. Screener questions were also asked in the non-screener group within the questionnaire. Preliminary results indicate that the Web performed slightly better than mail, with respect to a higher proportion of returned screeners for families with children, however, the mail mode had an overall higher response rate. These findings will contribute to the literature on the usage and impact of using screeners in multi-mode surveys.
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
