Web Survey Bibliography
Title Response Order Effects on a Web Survey of Nurse Pra ctitioners
Author Quintana, G.; Riley, L. E.
Year 2016
Access date 06.06.2016
While the purpose of this survey was to assess nurse practitioners’ (NP) opinions on the social determinants of health, this poster will analyze response order effects of a national web survey of NPs. Although the subject of response order effects has been previously studied in detail, it is unclear whether response order will produce recency or primary effects in a sample of NPs, who are on average, more educated than the general population and perhaps exhibit different behaviors while taking surveys. In the summer of 2015, a random sample of 30,000 NPs were pulled from the 2015 National NP Database and assigned to one of two surveys; the only difference between the two was the order in which choices were listed for questions containing standard Likert scales for agreement, and for multi-select questions containing a long list of response options. Subjects were sent an email invitation to a web-survey, and a subsequent email reminder was sent to those who had not responded. A total of 896 individuals completed the survey, yielding a 3.0% response rate. Significant associations between the order of response options and the frequency which response options were selected were observed for five of the nineteen questions using Likert scales. For Likert scale questions, respondents showed a tendency toward recency, selecting response options that appeared toward the end of the list. For multi-select questions with a long list of response options, respondents tended toward primacy, selecting options that appeared toward the beginning of the list. In order to minimize bias introduced by response order on web surveys of NPs, the order of Likert scales should be randomly reversed. Likewise, long lists of multi-select options should be scrambled.
Access/Direct link Conference Homepage (abstract)
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations