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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Debunking Myths About the Quality of Industry and O ccupation Data Collected Through Self-administered Web Surveys
Year 2016
Access date 06.06.2016
Currently, survey methodologists are concerned with the data quality of industry and occupation responses collected through self-administered web surveys. Such surveys are conducted without the assistance of interviewers to elicit detailed information to ensure that respondents’ employment information can be successfully coded in to standard industry and occupation categories. The Evaluation of the YouthBuild Program is currently collecting industry and occupation data via a multi-mode longitudinal survey. Respondents have the option of completing the survey on the phone through computer-assisted telephone interviewing or through a self-administered web option. This paper will explore the results of collecting industry and occupation data on the web by comparing the data quality of interviewer-assisted responses to that of self-administered survey responses for industry and occupation questions. Data quality will be measured by the ability to code responses using the standard codes developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Our data analysis to date suggests that high quality industry and occupation data can be collected using a web survey.
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
