Web Survey Bibliography
Title Purposefully Mobile: Experimentally Assessing Device Effects in an Online Survey
Author Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.; Graham, P.
Year 2015
Access date 16.06.2016
The recent growth in the number of participants who take surveys on mobile devices can be seen as an opportunity to increase coverage and reduce non-response, but it is essential that online surveys be designed with mobile display in mind to improve data quality and minimize device-specific effects. We conducted a study using GfK's KnowledgePanel, the largest online probability-based panel in the US to inform recommendations for a mobile-first study design. Rather than rely on 'accidental mobile' participants with their attendant self-selection bias, participants were randomly assigned to complete our survey on one of three devices (desktop/laptop, smartphone, or tablet). We had 4,555 completed surveys with an average completion time of about 18 minutes. We will present the factors that affect completion and substantive response differences, including device, survey design, and demographics, behaviors, and attitudes of participants. We will also discuss observed differences in response that appear to occur because of device used and not due to sample differences as well as provide recommendations for designing online surveys to accommodate mobile respondents.
Access/Direct link Joint Statistical Meetings 2015
Year of publication2015
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - Barlas, F. M. (11)
- Scientific Surveys Based on Incomplete Sampling Frames and High Rates of Nonresponse; 2016; Fahimi, M.; Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.; Buttermore, N. R.
- On the Go: How Mobile Participants Affect Survey Results; 2015; Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.
- The Matrix Lives On: Improving Grids for Online Surveys; 2015; Thomas, R. K.; Barlas, F. M.; Graham, P.; Subias, T.
- Purposefully Mobile: Experimentally Assessing Device Effects in an Online Survey ; 2015; Barlas, F. M.; Thomas, R. K.; Graham, P.
- Mobility Enabled: Effects of Mobile Devices on Survey Response and Substantive Measures; 2015; Barlas, F. M.; Randall, T. K.
- What They Can’t See Can Hurt You: Improving Grids for Mobile Devices; 2015; Randall, T. K.; Barlas, F. M.; Graham, P.; Subias, T.
- Respondents Playing Fast and Loose?: Antecedents and Consequences of Respondent Speed of Completion; 2014; Thomas, R. K., Barlas, F. M.
- The Impact of Survey Communications on Response Rates and Response Quality; 2013; Barlas, F. M.; Falcone, A. E.; Bellamy, N. D.; Mack, A. R.
- Alone in a Group: Comparison of Effects of a Group-Administered Paper-Pencil Survey Versus an Individually...; 2013; Higgins, W. B., Barlas, F. M., Pflieger, J., Thomas, R. K., Jeffery, D., Mattiko, M.
- Changing of the Guard: Effects of Different Self-Administered Survey Modes on Sensitive Questions; 2013; Barlas, F. M., Higgins, W. B., Pflieger, J., Thomas, R. K., Jeffery, D., Mattiko, M.
- An Injured Party?: A Comparison of Political Party Response Formats in Party Identification.; 2011; Schwarz, S., Barlas, F. M., Thomas, R. K., Corso, R. A., Szoc, R.