Web Survey Bibliography
Title Do Initial Respondents Differ From Callback Respondents? Lessons From a Mobile CATI Survey
Author Vicente, P.; Marques, C.
Year 2016
Access date 06.07.2016
Mobile phones are increasingly being used to conduct mobile computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) surveys and some say it is just a question of time before they replace fixed phones. Although mobile phones allow their users to be called anywhere and at any time, a 100% response rate (RR) is unlikely to be achieved with a single call attempt. Callbacks are costly and delay fieldwork completion, but they are worth the effort when better overall RRs as well as those for specific subgroups of the population are obtained. Using data collected on a nationwide mobile CATI survey, this article investigates the differences between initial and callback respondents. Findings reveal that although the majority of interviews were achieved with a single call attempt, the initial sample differed from the callback sample in terms of the age and residence of respondents. Additionally, callback respondents were more likely to be interviewed outside home.
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeJournal article
Web survey bibliography - Vicente, P. (11)
- Do Initial Respondents Differ From Callback Respondents? Lessons From a Mobile CATI Survey; 2016; Vicente, P.; Marques, C.
- When Should I Call You? An Analysis of Differences in Demographics and Responses According to Respondents...; 2016; Vicente, P.; Lopes, I.
- The best times to call in a mobile phone survey; 2015; Vicente, P.
- The use of paradata to investigate non-response ; 2013; Vicente, P.
- Coverage error in internet surveys Can fixed phones fix it?; 2012; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- The “frequency divide”: implications for internet-based surveys; 2012; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- The “Frequency Divide” on Web Surveys: Opinions, Behaviours and Demographics Differences...; 2011; Reis, E., Vicente, P.
- E-Census 2011 Portugal: implementation and results of the Pilot Survey; 2011; Vicente, P., Rosa, A., Reis, E.
- Using Questionnaire Design to Fight Nonresponse Bias in Web Surveys; 2010; Vicente, P., Reis, E.
- Using mobile phones for survey research A comparison with fixed phones ; 2009; Vicente, P., Reis, E., Santos, R.
- The Mobile-only Population in Portugal and Its Impact in a Dual Frame Telephone Survey; 2009; Vicente, P., Reis, E.