Web Survey Bibliography
Bei Online-Umfragen gibt es immer die Gefahr von nachlässigen Teilnehmern. Sie kreuzen wahllos an oder wählen immer dieselbe Antwort auf jede Frage. Solche Teilnehmer können die Ergebnisqualität von Online-Umfragen gefährden. Durch sogenannte Türsteherfragen können sie jedoch identifiziert und aussortiert werden. Belinda Merkle, Dr. Lars Kaczmirek und Dr. Otto Hellwig zeigen Best Practice Beispiele, wie solche Qualitäts-Check-Fragen passend zur Umfrage gestaltet werden können.
Web survey bibliography - Kaczmirek, L. (43)
- Online Survey Software; 2017; Kaczmirek, L.
- Du kommst hier nicht rein: Türsteherfragen identifizieren nachlässige Teilnehmer in Online-Umfragen; 2016; Merkle, B.; Kaczmirek, L.; Hellwig, O.
- Mode System Effects in an Online Panel Study: Comparing a Probability-based Online Panel with two Face...; 2015; Struminskaya, B.; De Leeuw, E. D.; Kaczmirek, L.
- Item nonresponse in open-ended questions: Identification and reduction in web surveys; 2015; Kaczmirek, L.; Behr, D.
- The Effectiveness of Mailed Invitations for Web Surveys and the Representativeness of Mixed-Mode versus...; 2014; Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L.
- Assessing representativeness of a probability-based online panel in Germany; 2014; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W.
- Incentives on demand in a probability-based online panel: redemption and the choice between pay-out...; 2014; Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L.
- Does left still feel right? The optimal position of answer boxes in Web surveys - revisited; 2013; Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L.,Galesic, M.
- The Effectiveness of Mailed Invitations for Web Surveys; 2013; Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L.
- GESIS Online Panel Pilot: Results from a Probability-Based Online Access Panel; 2013; Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Weyandt, K.
- Effects of incentive reduction after a series of higher incentive waves in a probability-based online...; 2013; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W.
- Sample composition discrepancies in different stages of a probability-based online panel; 2013; Bosnjak, M., Haas, I., Galesic, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P.
- Testing the Validity of Gender Ideology Items by Implementing Probing Questions ; 2013; Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- A Framework for the Collection of Universal Client Side Paradata (UCSP); 2012; Kaczmirek, L.
- Challenges of assessing the quality of a prerecruited probability-based panel of internet users in...; 2012; Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L.
- Assessing Cross-National Equivalence of Measures of Xenophobia: Evidence from Probing in Web Surveys; 2012; Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L.
- Little experience with technology as a cause of nonresponse in online surveys; 2012; Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- Establishing Cross-National Equivalence of Measures of Xenophobia: Evidence from Probing in Web Surveys...; 2011; Braun, M., Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L.
- Online Research @ GESIS; 2011; Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Seeing Through the Eyes of the Respondent: An Eye-tracking Study on Survey Question Comprehension; 2011; Lenzner, A., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M.
- Asking sensitive questions in a recruitment interview for an online panel: the income question; 2011; Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- Cognitive process in answering questions: Are verbal labels in rating scales attended to?; 2011; Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Asking Sensitive Questions: Do They Affect Participation In Follow-Up Surveys?; 2011; Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W.
- Which Technologies Do Respondents Use in Online Surveys – An International Comparison?; 2011; Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D., Bandilla, W.
- Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies; 2011; Das, M., Ester, P., Kaczmirek, L.
- Optimizing response rates in online surveys; 2010; Kaczmirek, L.
- Developing a Research Framework for Usability in Online Surveys: Human-Survey Interaction; 2010; Kaczmirek, L.
- Security and Data Protection: Collection, Storage, Feedback in Internet Research; 2010; Thiele, O., Kaczmirek, L.
- Is this e-mail relevant? An eyetracking experiment on how potential respondents read e-mail invitations...; 2009; Kaczmirek, L., Faaß, T., Galesic, M.
- Respondent-Oriented Interaction Design Reduces Item Nonresponse in Internet Surveys; 2009; Kaczmirek, L.
- Panel Discussion: Does Mixed Mode Help Us Increase Response Rates?; 2009; Kaczmirek, L.
- A literature review on constructing answer formats; 2009; Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, J.
- Coverage- und Nonresponse-Effekte bei Online-Bevölkerungsumfragen ; 2009; Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Blohm, M., Neubarth, W.
- Internet Survey Software Tools; 2008; Kaczmirek, L.
- Increasing item completion rates in matrix questions ; 2008; Kaczmirek, L.
- Differences between respondents and nonrespondents in an Internet survey recruited from face-to-face...; 2007; Bandilla, W., Blohm, M., Kaczmirek, L. & Neubarth, W.
- Nicht-reaktive datenerhebung: Teinahmeverhalten bei befragungen mit paradaten evaluieren. [Non reactive...; 2007; Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W.
- Response time measurement in the lab and on the Web: A comparison; 2007; Galesic, M., Reips, U.-D., Kaczmirek, L., Czienskowski, U., Liske, N., von Oertzen, T.
- Applications of the Document Object Model (DOM) in Web-Surveys; 2007; Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L.
- Sampling Bias: Face to face to Web; 2007; Bandilla, W., Blohm, M., Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W.
- A short introduction to usability in online surveys; 2006; Kaczmirek, L.
- Standards in Online Surveys. Sources for Professional Codes of Conduct, Ethical Guidelines and Quality...; 2005; Kaczmirek, L., Schulze, N.
- Web Surveys. A Brief Guide on Usability and Implementation Issues; 2005; Kaczmirek, L.