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Title Using touch screen audio-CASI to obtain data on sensitive topics
Source Computers in Human Behaviour, 17, 3, pp. 285-293
Year 2001
Database ScienceDirect
Access date 15.10.2004

This paper describes a new interview data collection system that uses a laptop personal computer equipped with a touch-sensitive video monitor. The touch-screen-based audio computer-assisted self-interviewing system, or touch screen audio-CASI, enhances the ease of use of conventional audio CASI systems while simultaneously providing the privacy of self-administered questionnaires. We describe touch screen audio-CASI design features and operational characteristics. In addition, we present data from a recent clinic-based experiment indicating that the touch audio-CASI system is stable, robust, and suitable for administering relatively long and complex questionnaires on sensitive topics, including drug use and sexual behaviors associated with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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Year of publication2001
Bibliographic typeJournal article