Authors (8941)
Funke, F.
Name:Funke, F.
Send email to: Funke, F.
More information:
Frederik Funke,, Kragenhofer Str. 20, 34355 Staufenberg, Germany
Data has been last edited on Feb 27 2016
Web survey bibliography
- Higher Item Nonresponse Rates Caused by Slider Scales...; 2015; Toepoel, V.; Funke, F.
- Investigating Response Quality in Mobile and Desktop...; 2014; Toepoel, V.; Funke, F.
- The Use of Paradata to Predict Future Cooperation...; 2014; Funke, F., Goeritz, A.
- HTML5 and mobile Web surveys: A Web experiment on...; 2013; Funke, F.
- Break-off and attrition in the GIP amongst technologically...; 2013; Blom, A. G., Bossert, D., Clark, V., Funke, F., Gebhard...
- Nonresponse and Nonresponse Bias in a Probability-...; 2013; Blom, A. G., Bossert, D., Funke, F., Gebhard, F.,...
- Enhancing Web Surveys With New HTML5 Input Types; 2012; Funke, F.
- Mobile Survey Participation Rates in Commercial Market...; 2012; Bosnjak, M., Poggio, T., Becker, K. R., Funke, F.,...
- High potential for mobile Web surveys: Findings from...; 2012; Funke, F., Wachenfeld, A.
- Why semantic differentials in Web-based research should...; 2012; Funke, F., Reips, U.-D.
- Web-based rating scales: HTML 5 and other innovations...; 2011; Funke, F.
- Ignoring the compatibility of online questionnaires...; 2011; Funke, F.
- Explaining more variance with visual analogue scales...; 2011; Funke, F.
- Internet-Based Measurement With Visual Analogue Scales...; 2010; Funke, F.
- Making small effects observable: Reducing error by...; 2009; Funke, F., Reips, U.-D.
- Yes, VASs can! Increasing the accuracy of survey measurements...; 2009; Funke, F., Reips, U.-D.
- Response Formats in Cross-cultural Comparisons in...; 2009; Thomas, R. K.l, Terhanian, G., Funke, F.
- Using Audio and Video Clips in Web Surveys —...; 2007; Fuchs, M., Funke, F.
- Dynamic Forms: Online Surveys 2.0 ; 2007; Funke, F., Reips, U.-D.