Authors (8941)
Olson, K.
Name:Olson, K.
Send email to: Olson, K.
More information:
Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
Data has been last edited on Oct 04 2015
Web survey bibliography
- The Effect of CATI Questions, Respondents, and Interviewers...; 2016; Olson, K.; Smyth, J. D.
- Identifying predictors of survey mode preference; 2015; Millar, M. M.; Olson, K.; Smyth, J. D.
- The Effect of Answering in a Preferred Versus a Non...; 2014; Smyth, J. D., Olson, K., Kasabian, A.
- Assessing Within-Household Selection Methods in Household...; 2014; Olson, K., Stange, M., Smyth, J. D.
- Accuracy of Within-household Selection in Web and...; 2014; Olson, K., Smyth, J. D.
- Using Eye Tracking to Examine the Visual Design of...; 2014; Zhou, Q., Ricci, K., Olson, K., Smyth, J. D.
- Analyzing Paradata to Investigate Measurement Error...; 2013; Yan, T., Olson, K.
- Are You Seeing What I am Seeing? Exploring Response...; 2013; Libman, A., Smyth, J. D., Olson, K.
- Does Giving People Their Preferred Survey Mode Actually...; 2012; Olson, K., Smyth, J. D., Wood, H.
- Literacy and Data Quality in Self-Administered Surveys...; 2011; Smyth, J. D., Olson, K.
- Medium Node: NSF Census Research Network; 2011; McCutcheon, A. L., Belli, R. F., Olson, K., Smyth,...
- Comparing Numeric and Text Open-End Responses in Mail...; 2011; Olson, K., Smyth, J.
- When do nonresponse follow-ups improve or reduce data...; 2008; Olson, K., Feng, C., Witt, L.