Links (1889)
- 3rd International conference on establishment surveys
- 3rd Wuhan International Conference on E-Business - Global Business Interface, 2004
- 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, 2000
- 42nd MRA Annual Conference, 2000
- 43rd Annual Conference of the Society for College and University Planning, 2008
3rd International conference on establishment surveys
More information:
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The information above may be outdated.
Web survey bibliography
- Respondent acceptance of web and e-mail data reporting...; 2007; Rosen, R. J., Harrell, L. J., Yu, H.
- Evolution of web surveys at USDA`s national agricultural...; 2007; Gregory, G., Earp, M.
- Interface Design and Testing for Electronic Self Administered...; 2007; Farrell, E., Hewett, K., Rowley, T., Van Ede, L.,...
- Effects of Offering Web Questionnaires as an Option...; 2007; Erikson, J., Furubjelke, E.
- Using the Web for Surveys of Medical Providers; 2007; Narayanan, V., Giambo, P., Fry, S., Crafts, J.