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Methods to receive telephone (n=200) or mail (n=443) follow-up at 7 months after callin the Colorado QuitLine in April or July 2007. The 31-item instrument addressed smoking, other tobacco use, and tobacco-related behaviors. The telephone protocol included 10 contact attempts, and the mail protocol included 3 attempts. Nonresponders to the initially assigned mode were re-attempted through the other mode.
: Weighted demographic and smoker baseline characteristics were statistically similar between initial telephone and mail responders. Prevalence of 7-day smoking abstinence was 38.5% among initial telephone responders and 42.5% among initial mail responders (non-significant). When program completion and ethnicity were adjusted for by standardization, the non-significant difference in quit rates diminished to 40% vs. 40.5% for phone and mail respondents respectively. Early responders in both modes were more likely than late responders to report smoking abstinence (41.5% vs. 27.2%, p=0.01).Conclusion
: Smoking status estimates may differ when obtained by mail vs. phone surveys, however the differences appear to be due to differences in the population reached and can be adjusted for by standardization. Findings will help guide the design and methodological treatment of mixed-mode surveys for smoking status follow-up. : Follow-up surveys are widely used to assess smoking status and other tobacco-related indicators. Telephone is the conventional mode for quitline follow-up. Although mail or mixed modes might be less costly, these alternatives have not been assessed for comparability of results regarding smoking status. We conducted a pilot study of smoking status estimates obtained by mail vs. telephone.