Web Survey Bibliography
Title Cell Phone Owners and Usage Patterns
Author Tuckel, P. S., O’Neill, H.
Source The American Association for (AAPOR) 59th Annual Conference, 2004 & WAPOR 57th Annual Conference, 2004
Year 2004
Access date 11.05.2009
Access/Direct link
Year of publication2004
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Web survey bibliography - WAPOR 57th Annual Conference, 2004 (7)
- Propensity Score Adjustment As an Alternative Weighting Scheme for Web Survey Data; 2004; Lee, Su.
- The Prevalence of Wireless Substitution; 2004; Luke, J. V., Blumberg, S. J., Cynamon, M. C.
- The Impact of Wireless Substitution on Random-Digit-Dialed Health Surveys; 2004; Blumberg, S. J., Luke, J. V.
- Is It the Young and the Restless Who Only Use Cellular Phones?; 2004; Steeh, C. G.
- Cell Phone Owners and Usage Patterns; 2004; Tuckel, P. S., O’Neill, H.
- Will a "Perfect Storm" of Cellular-Linked Forces Sink RDD Sampling?; 2004; Lavrakas, P. J.
- A New Era for Telephone Surveys; 2004; Steeh, C. G.